I have this sound cue in my main level which is supposed to play a random song. When I run the level in the editor, this works completely fine but as soon as I run it in “Standalone Game” or a packed version of the game, it only plays the first audio in the random (MainMenu1). Has this happened to anyone else before and if so, do you know how to fix it?
Chances of the weight are 100% and 1000% you put there.
If you want to make a 10% chance to play the sound you should set it to 0.1 as the weight and so on.
1 means 100% chance.
Thank you for your response but I don’t believe that’s the case. I debugged the random node and it looks like some issue to do with seeding and FMath::FRand. There’s a bug that exists for it here Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-172313). I think I’ll just move to using Meta sounds instead of sound cues.