1016064 trees

Nice one hallatore.LOVE IT :slight_smile:

I like it. Great idea.

It’s now 1 week since I got Unreal and about 4 days since my first c++ project :stuck_out_tongue: (I know C# from before)

Experience so far.

  1. UHierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent is the way to go if you want a lot of instances of a single mesh.
  2. HierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent->UpdateInstanceTransform(…) needs some optimizations, and it need to have some sort of batch update method.
  3. I need to get better at rendering stuff in the distance. The kite demo has MUCH better trees further away than what I have :stuck_out_tongue:

Here is a screenshot of the procedural forest. It never ends! :slight_smile:


Just a quick update on the performance of HierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent->UpdateInstanceTransform(…)

I forked the UnrealEngine source and look and behold! I now get no freezing when I update a lot of instances.
I wonder if my pull request will be accepted.

Current vs. modified source code. (Frametimes is how long it takes a frame to render. 17ms is about the same as 60 fps)

This scene renders at about 30 fps. Mostly because of the grass actually.
