Thanks, can I also have a look at the current viewport window for the ADSCam component of Gun_AK47?
Thanks. Here are what I think are likely causes of problems in descending order of probability.
- Your ADScam component has a negative value in its transform scale. Negative scales do weird things to your coordinate system.
- Your ADScam component and your socket both have different transform values. It’s much easier if one of them is set to 0, 0, 0 for rotation and you have the other rotated the correct amount.
- Under the action input in your event graph I can just see the top of a commented section called ADS that seems to do some stuff with the camera. Not sure if that section is even active at the moment, but if it is that might be interfering with other things.
Can’t spot anything else immediately that looks wrong.
Or it actually might be this.
- In the ADSCam component, one of the options down near the bottom “auto-activate” is currently not ticked. It should be ticked.
Looks like your gun isn’t in the centre of the screen, which it probably should be since the camera is literally socketed to the gun. Maybe try adjusting the position of the socket to get it in the right spot for the gun to be fairly centrally located.
Also you might want to adjust the project settings → engine → general settings → ‘near clip plane’ to a lower value to stop the camera clipping inside the gun.
Oh, you’re using the wrong command.
Activate is telling it “switch this camera on”, which is fine but the AK isn’t your character. When the game tries to find an active camera on your character it will never use one that’s part of a different object.
Use the switch view target with blend command instead. You’ll need a reference to the camera and a reference to the controller.
Edit: Just do the same process backwards (with a reference to the camera component on your character) to revert to the normal camera, you won’t need to use activate and deactivate at all if you use switch view target.
Hi Guys, I saw what you wrote and I tried it.
Unfortunately without success.
I tried several tutorials to build the aim FPS system.
I like the last one I tried, but it’s not exactly how I wanted it.
I was sure there was a solution, like putting a camera behind the optics of each weapon.
Can you help me?
I’m looking for a system like this
I hope you read my desperate request for help.
Thanks in advance.