Blueprint could not be loaded

Blueprint could not be loaded because it derives from an invalid class. Check to make sure the parent class for this blueprint hasn’t been removed!

Im getting this message when I try migrating the bot blueprint from the shooter demo into my own project. I have tried multiple ways to get this to work, but always receive this error. Any ideas?

shootergame derives all its stuff from c++ class’s. you cant just migrate stuff to your project without taking the code with it

when you migrate stuff in this engine it says it also transfers over all its dependence’s, I assumed it did the same with the code(which it should)any reason why it doesn’t? Also where would I find this code and place it to get it working in my game?

heaps of guides on the internet on how to use the content:
and here
that should get you on the right path :slight_smile:

HOW WONDERFULLY HELPFUL YOU ARE,… I hope you don’t get help when you need it! Your day WILL come…


How about, you take a chill pill. We aren’t here to help you at your beck and call, and if you can’t read a manual, that’s not our fault. OP asked why they were getting the BP error, I told them because it derived from a C++ class. The first link LITERALLY shows you how to do it AND provides a downloadable example.

If you don’t want to hear “READ THE MANUAL” game dev isn’t for you. A lot of us have spent YEARS learning this stuff and take time out of our lives to help people as well, and then ungrateful idiots come in and get mad BECAUSE THEY CAN’T READ A MANUAL.

And no, there won’t ever be a time that I would need help and be a snotty little child about it.

Also, why are you bringing up stuff from FIVE YEARS AGO? you can literally use the base shooter demo, use the project renamer tool on it, then migrate your current level across to it and hit play. Even a noob can do it now.

Removing “Binaries” directory of projects flushes all references. So I made this when I take a corruption error. It works for me. All Blueprint classes came back.