Hi! This is my first finished work on unreal engine. I wanted to share the video , but the movie button in matinee saves the sequence in preview quality though it set on 1920. Does anybody know a solvation? please let me know. (I`musing UE 4.11p)
That’s weird. But then again, I still couldn’t get the Matinee to create a proper AVI file, crashed all the time, so I had to create a series of PNG files (compressed at 90% quality) at HD resolution (1280x720) then construct the video with Vegas Pro.
Thank you! I have another question. The quality of reflections and dof depends on time image stays still, I mean for the first moment the picture isnt good enough, it requires some time to calculate. So it seems that Render movie button saves those not perfect first moment frames. Is there a way to make unreal to wait some time for the better image quality of each frame.
Sorry my English )
i dont know any way to make unreal wait a moment before recording.
i always just add a keyframe some frames in front of all others with no movement at all. so later on in postproduction (where i make a movie of all pngs) i just take all pictures except these first frames.