Could I get some feedback on this lighting?

I’m trying to just make a template for interior scenes that I can re-use so I don’t need to start from scratch every time.

Right now I have atmospheric fog but I’m not sure I should use it? Anyhow, seems to me this could look more real.

There are some issues on the right corner edge, I suggest you to bump up a bit the AO in the scene, but overall is not bad, maybe too many indirect light bounces…
If you want to build a kind of “template” the one thing you can do is to create a blueprint which includes a plane with a white material and a spotlight to have reflectors in your scene to simulate skylight from windows.

Instead of having a template ( which is not going to work for every interior, thats for sure ) I would suggest you first to get the direct and bounce lighting done ( even at medium/high lightmass ) so you get the “feel” of the interior, then start working on the materials A LOT and make MIC properly set and ready to be used ( look at UE4arch, they’re pretty good ) and then start tweaking using the post process volume, which dramatically increase the scene with very few clicks ( as shown by koola ).

I’m following this path and with a bit of patience and smart tweaking ( and lots of reading on the documentation and forums ) I’m getting pretty good results without spending days trying and failing

Thanks for the feedback. I’ll try your suggestions.

I’m just trying as you mentioned to save my reflector/spots, my directional light and my volume - post processing as a starting point because it takes too much time to do those every time.

How do I fix that corner light leak?

Another pass, a bit better with more AO.

Have you done any post processing on that? What do you think of using this technique: Simulating Area Lights in UE4 - Unreal Engine for your scene?

I did post processing and I am using that technique. :open_mouth:

I’m not a pro, but the only thing that looks weird to me is that there are no visible shadows behind the wooden shape/objects.

I just adjusted it in Ps real quick, something like that maybe!

The one on the right looks like it’s floating.

Thanks, I’ll work on that.

Can anyone tell me why my ceiling is a different color when it’s the same material as the walls?

Because that what’s would be expected as an indirect lighting solution and behavior from “any” physics based rendering engine based on the input from a single point light source. It’s not bad or good it’s just different that could be color corrected using Photoshop.

Overall though what I think that you think is the problem is the shot, even though correct and not to be disrespectful, is rather uninteresting and boring and is in need of what would be considered advanced lighting techniques (staging) that would make it pop and pull focuses.

With out writing a book this is on of my favorite lectures on the subject of what would be considered advanced lighting inside the box.

As to theory since UE4 now uses a physically correct rendering engine what would be considered advanced lighting techniques, staging, could be used as they are used in V-Ray, Mental Ray or even Renderman.

Because that what’s would be expected as an indirect lighting solution and behavior from “any” physics based rendering engine based on the input from a single point light source. It’s not bad or good it’s just different that could be color corrected using Photoshop.

I have 3 different rendering engines and do Archviz for a living. Darker I would expect, yellowish I don’t expect. I wouldn’t use UE4 for still images, I have better render engines for stills so I can’t correct a ceiling in a video which is what I would use UE4 for.

In regards to the scene it’s not a scene it’s a Template for interiors so that I don’t have to set up the post processing volume, bounce lights and HDRI every time - I would just tweak it to fit the project. I don’t use 3 point lighting in Architecture interiors but thanks for the video anyhow.

It should be like this.

It’s hard to have 1 template to fit all projects. The number of windows alone can make your solution work or not work. Concerning your ceiling, can you share your settings, maybe you just need higher quality settings. This kind of problems mostly happen when you use dynamic G.I (was very common with vxgi when it was 1 bounce only).

Do you have a skylight for filling the scene a little bit or just a directional and reflectors?

I’m using an HDRI, sun and HDRI fill. I added .025 percent bloom, I had none and it seemed to clear it up a bit. I think this render engine has some refinement needed still.

I personally turn AO completely off in my post process volume and raise lightmass bounces, reduce scale and smoothness. Your image looks good imo

Do you use stationary sun? Imo static looks way better!

Yeah, I do that with just a touch of AO. All static lights and cubemaps for Ambient and the sky - the same HDRI for both adjust to taste.

I’m getting it dialed in now I think…

I’m playing with faked reflection for glass and it help realism big time (even tho it’s not physically correct). I’ll be doing that in all my projects that’s for sure! The 2048x2048 limit is a bummer but it’s better than nothing!

Yeah, I need a good glass shader I’m just using the content one now. How do you fake reflections?

Here :

I add a normal map to my glass to distort the faked reflection. More real.
This is my glass shader. I’ve also added it to my pool water! I use 3 capture cube in my scene, one for interior glass, one for exterior glass and one for pool. I unticked capture every frame. not needed and too power hungry.


No fancy fresnel effect and crazy refraction because I don’t want the strange effect when you look at the glass at a certain angle.

The effect is pretty good imo. The garage glass is reflecting the exterior backyard of my scene! With a slow camera moving and the glass distortion it’s pretty convincing! You can see it’s a bit wavy in the reflection.


Uuuhhhh, fancy glass material! thanks for sharing the settings :slight_smile:

About materials, is there a good post/thread/resource about material settings for architectural visualization? I’m creating almost everything from scratch, but it’ll be interesting to see other people techniques