Merging bones popup

I imported a fbx file (skeletal mesh) and selected the , then this message popped up:


I noticed I exported it with wrong settings, but to get rid of this message I had to click 200 times on “no”. Guess that’s not how it should work. One “no for all” or “cancel” is really missing. It now actually imported 209 individual skeletal meshes (+ 209 physics assets), and I have to delete them all…

Hey John,

Do you still have the offending FBX or have you overwritten it? Otherwise I’ll try to make/find an fbx that’ll throw this error.

Hi , yes of course I still have this, just use a mesh which is not bind to a , then this error will popup. So if you have a maya file with a rigged and skinned character, detach the skin from the mesh and export it as fbx.
I don’t have a problem with the error popping up, it’s fine since it’s my fault in maya, but there should be a “cancel” button so that I don’t have to click 209 times on “no” and then delete 418 files.

Thanks for the repro info. However, I can’t get the window to appear more than once. Are there anymore details about your mesh you could provide that would help in a repro? The inability to escape this string of windows is what I’ve entered in UE-18208, but I’d like to have a better repro to give to the engineers.

We typically have a “Yes to All” and “No to All” option, but it appears this error message slipped through the cracks.

Here you have a test file:

Just one polygon and a and its not bind to each other. Import it and select the epic 4.8 on import.

Thanks, that got it.