Creating an iOs test game without Apple annual fee?

A couple of questions I’ve spent 2 days reading and searching trying to figure out (Yes, I am a bit slow :stuck_out_tongue: )

  1. Can I simply create test game stuff in UE4 “mobile device section” and somehow test them later on on for example my iPad without needing to pay the Apple “store fee”? I have registered as an Apple developer but not paid the annual fee.

  2. When creating with UE4 and running the game using the built in “Mobile preview” will this reflect how and if it will actually work on the mobile device?

Any advice and clarification much appreciated.


1.If you do not have valid provisioning profile code and development certificate key, you have no chance for test your game on apple devices.

  1. It is only preview, and of course, you need test your game on real device.

Thank you svv3dUDN. I figured that may be the case.

Will the preview still “flag” if you are using something that totally will not work on a mobile device? I figured I’ll create the provisioning profile when something is close to finished and then do the final testing on the device itself.

Developing for mobile has some limitations.

Read this docs

haven’t test but look this: