Offset Animation position for variation?


I have multiple instances of a pawn and they all use the same anim blueprint and same animations. However all the animations are completely in sync, so when the pawns do the idle animation loop they all perfectly line up which looks weird.

Is there a way to add a random offset of seconds or ratios to animations when the blueprint initializes?


I believe this AnswerHub post addresses your question:

No not really, unless I understood it wrong.

I do not want to switch out animations, I just want to have animations start at a random place. E.g. I got two pawns in the scene and they both play the idle animation, I want one to start at 0.0 and the other at 2.0s of the animation, so they are not exactly synching the animation.


Yes, I see what you are trying to accomplish and the best way I know is to randomly select various idle animations that are not in unison as shown in the example. You could also add a random float to the idle state so that it plays at different speeds for each instance to give the appearance of being out of sync over time. I’m researching how to start animations from random points on the timeline -I have not found an answer in the documentation yet.

Ah I see, ok thanks. I guess I’ll have to do that, however in that case it at least would be nice to have some sort of warm up time like particle systems have.
