How do I attach an actor to an actor?

What I’m trying to do: basically attach an actor to the player when they walk over a box trigger.

I would’ve thought it would go something like this.

but this causes my unreal to lock up until I end process.

I’ve also tried swapping around ‘In parent actor’ and ‘target’, but this result in the player character attaching to the actor, meaning It takes me to the spawn point, attaches me to the actor and then I cannot move.

What I’m trying to achieve: I’m basically trying to make a power up that activates when you walk into a box trigger, the power up is an aura that slows other players when they come near you, (another box trigger).

So basically, what I want is: Walk into box trigger - Have a box trigger blueprint placed on you

Any ideas on how to achieve this? or any alternatives to this?

All help appreciated.

Here is how you attach an actor bp to a character:

red -> should be the root component so that everything gets attached
green -> gets the character mesh
pink -> you can also attach it to a socket
orange -> choose snap to target

Wow too easy, thanks for the help!

You’re crashing editor into an infinite loop because your powerup trigger is not ignoring owner collision.
So you spawn one and it overlaps owner character again and again…

Hello .

The topic seems relevant to my problem , so i posted here rather than creating another thread .

I’m trying to simply attach my weapon to my character when the game runs , i do all the things required to do this , but the weapon doesnt attach to the socket i assigned for some reason , it just attaches to the characters feet .
Here is my setup :

at first i thought i spelled the socket name wrong , but i checked like 10 times , and at last copied the name of the socket from my character’s skeleton . but it still refuses to attach .
For testing purposes , i removed the socket name , and left it blank , it still attached to the feet of the character , so the problem is that it doesnt find or recognize the socket . why is that ?

I will post a question in answers.unrealengine because this seems to be a bug because :
The same setup works very fine in third person template , it attaches staticmeshes , skeletal meshes , blueprints to the defined socket . but the in first person template it simply doesnt work . it gives an error for static mesh when exiting play session , and attaches the skeletal meshes/blueprint to the feet of the character instead of the defined socket .

Dear ,
I seem to have this problem to.
It is four years later but it still hasn’t been fixed, where did you post your issue again?
Just want to make sure it will get fixed in 4.20, except if it is not a bug.
Really weird, because I can attach my knife as preview, which basically is the same thing, isn’t it?

I got it to attach it to a bone socket a year ago I think, now it works great.
Edit: Don’t mind the gameplay errors it will give touching BSP, I’m sure U can solve them yourself^^!

I have the same problem: Attaching a Cable Actor to the socket on a character is not possible: Static actor to dynamic actor. What does it mean?

I have the same issue as @ while creating a side scroller, with snapping a character to Actor I had to do a workaround, I didn’t want to create a new thread for the same issue, unreal engine 4.18.3 any solution?

For those that run across this post (there are a few getting at the same thing). The reason that attach to actor goes to the wrong position is because it doesn’t have the proper reference to the skeletal mesh component.

To fix this use Attach To Component and pass the skeletal mesh component to the Parent.

For example, I used an interface to send a message from my character to the “highlighted object” which was whatever was overlapping with a collision box. On the interface there was an input of Skeletal Mesh Component which is what i used for the Parent in the Attach to Component