Setting up Emscripten environment for HTML5

In the wake up the 4.5 preview release, I decided to give the HTML5 build a whirl, but I ran into some troubles with getting UBT to detect the active Emscripten version. The active version is not reliably detected because of some breakdowns in the process for setting up the environment.

Currently the documentation states:

Updating Emscripten

Emscripten provides a bootstrap tool titled emsdk located in the root of the installation folder.

With this tool, you can easily update to the latest version of the Emscripten SDK by running the following commands: 

    emsdk update emsdk 
    install latest
    emsdk activate latest

The problem with this is that it will only update the Emscripten environment for the current command line session as per this issue reported to the emscripten project: vs-tool integration looks for $EMSCRIPTEN which is not set by emsdk activate · Issue #1783 · emscripten-core/emscripten · GitHub

The solution there was to add another command line option to elevate privileges and write to the global environment, though I would recommend against adding to the global path if possible.

    emsdk update emsdk 
    install latest
    emsdk activate --global latest

Alas, another solution supplies itself; Emscripten also provides a command that will enable the Emscripten environment temporarily that could be detected and run before executing UBT or any other operation that needs the Emscripten environment.

    Adding directories to PATH:
    PATH += C:\Program Files\Emscripten\clang\e1.22.0_64bit
    PATH += C:\Program Files\Emscripten\spidermonkey\30.0.0_64bit
    PATH += C:\Program Files\Emscripten\git\1.8.3\bin;C:\Program Files\Emscripten\gi
    Setting environment variables:
    EMSCRIPTEN = C:\Program Files\Emscripten\emscripten\1.21.0

    Setting up Unreal Engine 4 project files...
    Binding IntelliSense data... 100%
    Writing project files... 100%

Making it automatic


@echo off

cmd.exe /v /c "%~dp0Engine\Build\BatchFiles\CopyVisualizers.bat"

if not exist "%~dp0Engine\Build\BatchFiles\GenerateProjectFiles.bat" goto Error_BatchFileInWrongLocation

REM Set up the Emscripen Environment
for %%X in (emsdk_env.bat) do (set EMSDKPATH=%%~$PATH:X)
if defined EMSDKPATH call emsdk_env.bat

call "%~dp0Engine\Build\BatchFiles\GenerateProjectFiles.bat" %*
goto Exit

echo GenerateProjectFiles ERROR: The batch file does not appear to be located in the root UE4 directory.  This script must be run from within that directory.
goto Exit


And build.bat

@echo off

REM The %~dp0 specifier resolves to the path to the directory where this .bat is located in.
REM We use this so that regardless of where the .bat file was executed from, we can change to
REM directory relative to where we know the .bat is stored.
pushd "%~dp0\..\..\Source"

REM %1 is the game name
REM %2 is the platform name
REM %3 is the configuration name

REM Set up the Emscripen Environment
for %%X in (emsdk_env.bat) do (set EMSDKPATH=%%~$PATH:X)
if defined EMSDKPATH call emsdk_env.bat

IF EXIST ..\..\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool.exe (
         ..\..\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool.exe %* -DEPLOY
) ELSE (
	ECHO UnrealBuildTool.exe not found in ..\..\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool.exe 
	EXIT /B 999

Hello I have apparently the same problem with the environment variables.
as I don’t have :

I really don’t know how to setup them and I can’t find anything, after getting trough the 1.22 version, the locked dll and other bugs :smiley:

Hey Denis, those variables appear in the .emscripten file in your user directory. Something like “C:\Users\You.emscripten”. This should be updated when you run “emsdk activate latest” or whatever sdk version you want to use.

The emsdk_env batch file simply pulls the active environment settings from file and enables them for the current execution. The emscripten installer sets the global environment at install time but that leaves you with a reference to the initial installed version only.

My solution here is just a little hack so that I don’t have to reinstall when moving between 4.4 and 4.5 or patch anything extra on to my global path.