Distorting Player Camera?

Hi Everyone,

I’m having some troubles with this Blueprint. Basically, I’m trying to distort (so the “CameraShake” is merely a placeholder) the camera (i.e. screen) of a player if they’re within a certain distance of a dynamic actor. I’m able to print a string before or after the “Play World Camera Shake” function, so I’m assuming I’ve configured something incorrectly?

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

I changed “Get Player Controller” to “Get Player Pawn” and the distances are being calculated correctly, based on printing back confirmation strings, but the “CameraShake” is still NOT working. Has anyone been able to make this function correctly? Is there another way I can distort the player’s camera/screen?

Does your camera shake actually do anything? You might want to check that.

Sorry for the delay with replying. You were absolutely right, I was using the default “CameraShake” settings. Once I created a “CameraShake” Blueprint with the appropriate settings, it worked great. Thanks for the help!