OctaneRender to offer integration with Unreal Engine 4

Good news, real time unbiased ray tracing is coming to ue4. Read here the full story : http://render.otoy.com/newsblog/?p=600

Have a nice one !

Interesting :smiley:

looks fancy, waiting to see more on this

Well, it’s surprising to see an offline renderer “inside” online renderer o.o Very nice though

It has begun.

I’m looking at a workflow with Houdini, UE4, and Octane. The future will be bright. Loving the support for multiple GPU’s in Octane. Excellent.

Well, looking at the videos at the bottom of the blog, it seems more like they’re looking to integrate Brigade into UE4 - rather than OctaneRender.

Is this for UE4 editor or will it be used in-game? I presume to use this octane/brigade in-game you would need a high end if not dual GPU setup to get reasonable frames per second. I’d like to see what it would look like on lower end machines and on the PS4 by reducing samples or lowering quality settings. Path tracing will make environments look much nicer even without a huge amount of samples.

It’s not fast enough for real-time. And for this type of renderer there aren’t many ways that render times can be improved, there’s things like reducing the number of bounces but it’s not going to make all that much of a difference.

Who cares realtime. UE4 as the studio manipulation space with octane as the render output == $19 movie studio in a box.

I welcome all the new machinima being made.

If you can include it in your built game then it would be useful. Otherwise, every 3D program that you would use to create content for can already do that stuff without having to export to a game engine.

This inspires so many conflicted feelings, and I wonder why anyone would need it… I mean it’s super cool, but… Why? Archviz people? Even then isn’t lightmass good enough for archviz given that it’s is generally very static?

really nice!

I’ve been using this renderer for a couple years. Its capable of creating really clean, good looking renders very quickly. Looking forward to the integration.

There are some that might find UE4 better for their use to set up realistically lit rendered scenes for their own style of videos. We don’t all have to sit in the same box of single executable file game development. Octane being able to use 12 GPU’s is also something that other game engines are definitely not doing in game engines as far as I’m aware. This would be completely new to mess with.

I’m using Houdini already and looking forward to the GPU renderers of which Octane is one in plugin development for Houdini.

UE4 Kiosk use could also be very interesting for certain real-time demonstrations. An E3 demo running on a 12 GPU Monster with 34K cuda cores…

I’m just saying we may have something to play with here. :wink:

I don’t know that this will be usable in that way, as far as running a game.

As far as GPU renderers like that (iRay, VRayRT) they work within your 3D modeling program and do the same type of thing, and work on as many GPU’s as you can put into your computer.

I say it would be very usefull for people who do lightmapping. It certainly seems better than Lightmass.
The question is will it be able to render out lightmaps ?

You can’t bake that stuff, it depends on the camera view

Seems great actually. Would be great for game cinematics… Depending on exactly what you want.

Octane for the love of god, Please make your integration able to tie into UE4 deep enough so that i can use it to bake shadow detail instead of Lightmass (or as i like to call LightCrash). Have no interest in Octane with UE4 Unless they integrate as Lightmass replacement.

Also Just Cuda support is unacceptable, Needs to be OpenCL capable for AMD users even old older cards. Other wise Jog on.

Jog on then, these types of renderers don’t do baking.