Charsets inconsistent with precompiled header (UELinkerFixups fails with error C2855)

I’m currently trying to Launch my level for testing as a separate window, but I’m getting this error while doing so.

Simulating the level within the editor with Play has no issues whatsoever, so I’m a bit confused as to why this is happening.

I do see some mention of source and execution character sets in the error logs (source-charset and execution-charset are inconsistent with precompiled header), so I’m wondering if that has something to do with it. One of my UMG User Widgets has some static Text widgets that contain both English characters and Chinese characters, which I imagine is causing the issue, but I have no clue how I would start addressing something like that.

Is there a way to recompile or edit these headers or something so that these lines of text get past the UnrealBuildTool? If not, can anyone offer their experiences on using multiple different charsets in Text widgets and what they did to get them to work?

Any advice will be gladly accepted. Thanks in advance!

Additional Information:

UE4 Version: 4.16.3-3561208+++UE4+Release-4.16

Here’s the logfile generated from the failed Launch:

Performing 2 actions (4 in parallel)
D:\ue4projects\BCITreeShadow\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4\Development\UELinkerFixups.cpp: error C2855: command-line option '/source-charset' inconsistent with precompiled header
D:\ue4projects\BCITreeShadow\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4\Development\UELinkerFixups.cpp: error C2855: command-line option '/execution-charset' inconsistent with precompiled header
ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: D:\ue4projects\BCITreeShadow\Binaries\Win64\BCITreeShadow.pdb
Total build time: 4.89 seconds (Local executor: 0.00 seconds)

And here are the last relevant lines of the Output Log during the failed Launch:

LogPlayLevel: Completed Launch On Stage: Cooking in the editor, Time: 39.630012
LogPlayLevel: Running AutomationTool...
LogPlayLevel: Automation.ParseCommandLine: Parsing command line: -ScriptsForProject=D:/ue4projects/BCITreeShadow/BCITreeShadow.uproject BuildCookRun -project=D:/ue4projects/BCITreeShadow/BCITreeShadow.uproject -noP4 -clientconfig=Development -serverconfig=Development -nocompile -nocompileeditor -installed -ue4exe=UE4Editor-Cmd.exe -utf8output -platform=Win64
 -targetplatform=Win64 -build -map=/Game/BCITreeShadowMap -skipcook -CookInEditor -iterativecooking -compressed -iterativedeploy -stage -deploy -cmdline="/Game/BCITreeShadowMap -Messaging" -device=WindowsNoEditor@DESKTOP-QU8ODR3 -addcmdline="-SessionId=49F3E4F745803134E499F8AE2936FBD5 -SessionOwner='bzz' -SessionName='Launch On Device' " -run
LogPlayLevel: BuildCookRun.SetupParams: Setting up ProjectParams for D:\ue4projects\BCITreeShadow\BCITreeShadow.uproject
LogPlayLevel: Project.Build: ********** BUILD COMMAND STARTED **********
LogPlayLevel: Completed Launch On Stage: Build Task, Time: 1.273435
LogPlayLevel: CommandUtils.Run: Run: D:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.16\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool.exe BCITreeShadow Win64 Development -Project=D:\ue4projects\BCITreeShadow\BCITreeShadow.uproject  D:\ue4projects\BCITreeShadow\BCITreeShadow.uproject -NoUBTMakefiles  -remoteini="D:\ue4projects\BCITreeShadow" -noxge -generatemanifest -NoHotReload
LogPlayLevel: CommandUtils.Run: Run: Took 1.1435395s to run UnrealBuildTool.exe, ExitCode=0
LogPlayLevel: CommandUtils.Run: Run: D:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.16\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool.exe BCITreeShadow Win64 Development -Project=D:\ue4projects\BCITreeShadow\BCITreeShadow.uproject  D:\ue4projects\BCITreeShadow\BCITreeShadow.uproject -NoUBTMakefiles  -remoteini="D:\ue4projects\BCITreeShadow" -noxge -NoHotReload -ignorejunk
LogPlayLevel: UnrealBuildTool: Performing 2 actions (4 in parallel)
LogPlayLevel: UnrealBuildTool: UELinkerFixups.cpp
LogPlayLevel: UnrealBuildTool: D:\ue4projects\BCITreeShadow\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4\Development\UELinkerFixups.cpp: error C2855: command-line option '/source-charset' inconsistent with precompiled header
LogPlayLevel: UnrealBuildTool: D:\ue4projects\BCITreeShadow\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4\Development\UELinkerFixups.cpp: error C2855: command-line option '/execution-charset' inconsistent with precompiled header
LogPlayLevel: UnrealBuildTool: ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: D:\ue4projects\BCITreeShadow\Binaries\Win64\BCITreeShadow.pdb
LogPlayLevel: UnrealBuildTool: Total build time: 4.89 seconds (Local executor: 0.00 seconds)
LogPlayLevel: CommandUtils.Run: Run: Took 5.1156012s to run UnrealBuildTool.exe, ExitCode=5
LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception: AutomationTool.CommandUtils+CommandFailedException: Command failed (Result:5): D:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.16\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool.exe BCITreeShadow Win64 Development -Project=D:\ue4projects\BCITreeShadow\BCITreeShadow.uproject  D:\ue4projects\BCITreeShadow\BC
ITreeShadow.uproject -NoUBTMakefiles  -remoteini="D:\ue4projects\BCITreeShadow" -noxge -NoHotReload -ignorejunk. See logfile for details: 'UnrealBuildTool-2017.08.10-01.03.37.txt'
LogPlayLevel:    at AutomationTool.CommandUtils.RunAndLog(String App, String CommandLine, String Logfile, Int32 MaxSuccessCode, String Input, ERunOptions Options, Dictionary`2 EnvVars, SpewFilterCallbackType SpewFilterCallback)
LogPlayLevel:    at AutomationTool.CommandUtils.RunAndLog(CommandEnvironment Env, String App, String CommandLine, String LogName, Int32 MaxSuccessCode, String Input, ERunOptions Options, Dictionary`2 EnvVars, SpewFilterCallbackType SpewFilterCallback)
LogPlayLevel:    at AutomationTool.CommandUtils.RunUBT(CommandEnvironment Env, String UBTExecutable, String CommandLine, String LogName, Dictionary`2 EnvVars)
LogPlayLevel:    at AutomationTool.CommandUtils.RunUBT(CommandEnvironment Env, String UBTExecutable, FileReference Project, String Target, String Platform, String Config, String AdditionalArgs, String LogName, Dictionary`2 EnvVars)
LogPlayLevel:    at AutomationTool.UE4Build.BuildWithUBT(String TargetName, UnrealTargetPlatform TargetPlatform, String Config, FileReference UprojectPath, Boolean ForceMonolithic, Boolean ForceNonUnity, Boolean ForceDebugInfo, Boolean ForceFlushMac, Boolean DisableXGE, String InAddArgs, Boolean ForceUnity, Dictionary`2 EnvVars)
LogPlayLevel:    at AutomationTool.UE4Build.Build(BuildAgenda Agenda, Nullable`1 InDeleteBuildProducts, Boolean InUpdateVersionFiles, Boolean InForceNoXGE, Boolean InUseParallelExecutor, Boolean InForceNonUnity, Boolean InForceUnity, Boolean InShowProgress, Dictionary`2 PlatformEnvVars, Nullable`1 InChangelistNumberOverride, Dictionary`2 InTargetToManifest)
LogPlayLevel:    at Project.Build(BuildCommand Command, ProjectParams Params, Int32 WorkingCL, ProjectBuildTargets TargetMask)
LogPlayLevel:    at BuildCookRun.DoBuildCookRun(ProjectParams Params)
LogPlayLevel:    at BuildCookRun.ExecuteBuild()
LogPlayLevel:    at AutomationTool.BuildCommand.Execute()
LogPlayLevel:    at AutomationTool.Automation.Execute(List`1 CommandsToExecute, CaselessDictionary`1 Commands)
LogPlayLevel:    at AutomationTool.Automation.Process(String] Arguments)
LogPlayLevel:    at AutomationTool.Program.MainProc(Object Param)
LogPlayLevel:    at AutomationTool.InternalUtils.RunSingleInstance(Func`2 Main, Object Param)
LogPlayLevel:    at AutomationTool.Program.Main()
LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=5 (5)
LogPlayLevel: Completed Launch On Stage: Build Task, Time: 5.754844
PackagingResults:Error: Error Launch failed! Unknown Error

I originally posted this question over at the UE4 AnswerHub two days ago as well as on the subreddit yesterday, but didn’t get any replies; hoping someone here can help me out. I should have headed here first now that I think about it. Sorry if this is in the wrong section!

Quick update for those from the future, I was able to solve the issue by closing out of UE4, deleting the contents of my project’s Intermediate and Saved folders, then reopening my project and allowing it to rebuild.

Hope this helps someone else.