Arrow Keys strafe instead of turn

Hey all,

Cant seem to find anywhere online how to ‘change’ the action of the arrow keys on a keyboard. They dont appear in the Input section. When I try to put them in input section under movement, they still turn instead of stafe like A and D do.

Thoughts on how to get the left and right arrow to Strafe?



Not sure how you have your inputs set up, post a screenshot of them if you can’t figure it out from this:

On mine, I have an input titled ‘Turn’ for my mouse movement, and an input titled ‘TurnRate’ for my controller right stick x-axis as well as motion controller right stick x-axis, as well as “left” and “right” keys. These control the rotation of my camera, along the x-axis at least (side-to-side).

Your inputs should be located in Settings(above the viewport)>Project settings>Input(left-hand side under the Engine tab).
The specific one for turning should be under Axis Mappings.

To change the “left” and “right” keys to strafe rather than turn, simply remove them from the ‘TurnRate’ and set them under your Axis Mapping for Strafing, which by default I believe is called “MoveRight”. In this case, you would want “left” to be set to -1.0 and “right” to be set to 1.0.

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@MikeHazeJr - thanks!! - worked. Totally didnt see them inside of TurnRate!