Implementing Clear Coat in the ForwardLightingCommon.usf - For the Forward Renderer

Hello Community

I recently found out that the clear coat shader model does not rely on the G buffer and is therefore theoretically possible in the forward renderer for use with VR. However, it just hasnt been implemented for base pass reflections yet, which the forward renderer uses. The solution i was told was to implement “Clear Coat” in the GetImageBasedReflectionLighting function in the ForwardLightingCommon.usf…

I have tried to do this with no real positive effect. So i thought i’d post up step by step what i am doing so maybe someone can correct me?

I went to " C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.15\Engine\Shaders " opened up “ForwardLightingCommon.usf” in visual studio 2015.

I then adjusted the following code

// Copyright 1998-2017 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.



#include "DeferredLightingCommon.usf"
#include "LightGridCommon.usf"

Texture2D ResolvedSceneDepthTexture;

void UpdateNearestSample(float Z, float2 UV, float FullResZ, inout float MinDist, inout float2 NearestUV)
    float DepthDelta = abs(Z - FullResZ);

    if (DepthDelta < MinDist)
        MinDist = DepthDelta;
        NearestUV = UV;

float2 CalculateNearestResolvedDepthScreenUV(float2 ScreenUV, float SceneDepth)
	float2 EffectiveScreenUV = ScreenUV;

	if (View.NumSceneColorMSAASamples > 1)
		int2 IntScreenUV = int2(trunc(ScreenUV * View.BufferSizeAndInvSize.xy));

		float DeferredShadowingDepth = ConvertFromDeviceZ(ResolvedSceneDepthTexture.Load(int3(IntScreenUV, 0)).r);
		float RelativeDepthThreshold = .01f;

		// Fragment depth doesn't match what we used for deferred shadowing, search neighbors in cross pattern
		// Even with this nearest depth upsampling there can be edge artifacts from deferred shadowing, 
		// Since depth testing and stencil testing used during shadow projection are done per-sample and we're fetching from the resolved light attenuation
		if (abs(DeferredShadowingDepth - SceneDepth) / SceneDepth > RelativeDepthThreshold)
			float2 TexelSize =;
			float MinDist = 1.e8f;

			float2 LeftUV = ScreenUV + float2(-TexelSize.x, 0);
			float LeftDepth = ConvertFromDeviceZ(ResolvedSceneDepthTexture.Load(int3(IntScreenUV.x - 1, IntScreenUV.y, 0)).r);
			UpdateNearestSample(LeftDepth, LeftUV, SceneDepth, MinDist, EffectiveScreenUV);

			float2 UpUV = ScreenUV + float2(0, TexelSize.y);
			float UpDepth = ConvertFromDeviceZ(ResolvedSceneDepthTexture.Load(int3(IntScreenUV.x, IntScreenUV.y + 1, 0)).r);
			UpdateNearestSample(UpDepth, UpUV, SceneDepth, MinDist, EffectiveScreenUV);

			float2 RightUV = ScreenUV + float2(TexelSize.x, 0);
			float RightDepth = ConvertFromDeviceZ(ResolvedSceneDepthTexture.Load(int3(IntScreenUV.x + 1, IntScreenUV.y, 0)).r);
			UpdateNearestSample(RightDepth, RightUV, SceneDepth, MinDist, EffectiveScreenUV);

			float2 BottomUV = ScreenUV + float2(0, -TexelSize.y);
			float BottomDepth = ConvertFromDeviceZ(ResolvedSceneDepthTexture.Load(int3(IntScreenUV.x, IntScreenUV.y - 1, 0)).r);
			UpdateNearestSample(BottomDepth, BottomUV, SceneDepth, MinDist, EffectiveScreenUV);

	return EffectiveScreenUV;

float4 GetForwardDynamicShadowFactors(float2 ScreenUV)
	return GetPerPixelLightAttenuation(ScreenUV);

float4 UnpackShadowMapChannelMask(uint ShadowMapChannelMaskPacked)
	return float4((ShadowMapChannelMaskPacked & 1) ? 1.0f : 0.0f, (ShadowMapChannelMaskPacked & 2) ? 1.0f : 0.0f, (ShadowMapChannelMaskPacked & 4) ? 1.0f : 0.0f, (ShadowMapChannelMaskPacked & 8) ? 1.0f : 0.0f);

Texture2D IndirectOcclusionTexture;
SamplerState IndirectOcclusionTextureSampler;

float GetIndirectOcclusion(float2 ScreenUV, FGBufferData GBufferData)
	float IndirectOcclusion;
	IndirectOcclusion = Texture2DSampleLevel(IndirectOcclusionTexture, LightAttenuationTextureSampler, ScreenUV, 0).x;
	IndirectOcclusion = Texture2DSampleLevel(IndirectOcclusionTexture, IndirectOcclusionTextureSampler, ScreenUV, 0).x;

	// Reduce self shadowing intensity on characters (reuse distance field bit, really should be HasCapsuleShadowRepresentation)
	IndirectOcclusion = lerp(1, IndirectOcclusion, HasDynamicIndirectShadowCasterRepresentation(GBufferData) ? View.IndirectCapsuleSelfShadowingIntensity : 1);

	return IndirectOcclusion;

struct CulledLightsGridData
	uint NumLocalLights;
	uint DataStartIndex;

CulledLightsGridData GetCulledLightsGrid(uint GridIndex, uint EyeIndex)
	CulledLightsGridData Result;

	if (EyeIndex == 0)
		Result.NumLocalLights = NumCulledLightsGrid[GridIndex * NUM_CULLED_LIGHTS_GRID_STRIDE + 0];
		Result.DataStartIndex = NumCulledLightsGrid[GridIndex * NUM_CULLED_LIGHTS_GRID_STRIDE + 1];
		Result.NumLocalLights = InstancedNumCulledLightsGrid[GridIndex * NUM_CULLED_LIGHTS_GRID_STRIDE + 0];
		Result.DataStartIndex = InstancedNumCulledLightsGrid[GridIndex * NUM_CULLED_LIGHTS_GRID_STRIDE + 1];

	return Result;

struct LocalLightData
	float4 LightPositionAndInvRadius;
	float4 LightColorAndFalloffExponent;
	float4 SpotAnglesAndSourceRadius;
	float4 LightDirectionAndShadowMask;

LocalLightData GetLocalLightData(uint GridIndex, uint EyeIndex)
	LocalLightData Result;

	if (EyeIndex == 0)
		uint LocalLightIndex = CulledLightDataGrid[GridIndex];
		uint LocalLightBaseIndex = LocalLightIndex * LOCAL_LIGHT_DATA_STRIDE;
		Result.LightPositionAndInvRadius = ForwardLocalLightBuffer[LocalLightBaseIndex + 0];
		Result.LightColorAndFalloffExponent = ForwardLocalLightBuffer[LocalLightBaseIndex + 1];
		Result.LightDirectionAndShadowMask = ForwardLocalLightBuffer[LocalLightBaseIndex + 2];
		Result.SpotAnglesAndSourceRadius = ForwardLocalLightBuffer[LocalLightBaseIndex + 3];
		uint LocalLightIndex = InstancedCulledLightDataGrid[GridIndex];
		uint LocalLightBaseIndex = LocalLightIndex * LOCAL_LIGHT_DATA_STRIDE;
		Result.LightPositionAndInvRadius = InstancedForwardLocalLightBuffer[LocalLightBaseIndex + 0];
		Result.LightColorAndFalloffExponent = InstancedForwardLocalLightBuffer[LocalLightBaseIndex + 1];
		Result.LightDirectionAndShadowMask = InstancedForwardLocalLightBuffer[LocalLightBaseIndex + 2];
		Result.SpotAnglesAndSourceRadius = InstancedForwardLocalLightBuffer[LocalLightBaseIndex + 3];

	return Result;

float3 GetForwardDirectLighting(uint GridIndex, float3 WorldPosition, float3 CameraVector, FGBufferData GBufferData, float2 ScreenUV, uint EyeIndex)
	float4 DynamicShadowFactors = 1;

		DynamicShadowFactors = GetForwardDynamicShadowFactors(ScreenUV);

	float3 DirectLighting = 0;

	// Prevent 0 Roughness which causes NaNs in Vis_SmithJointApprox
	float MinRoughness = .04f;

	// No specular on volumetric translucency lighting modes
	MinRoughness = 1.0f;

	if (ForwardGlobalLightData.HasDirectionalLight)
		FDeferredLightData LightData = (FDeferredLightData)0;
		LightData.LightColorAndFalloffExponent = float4(ForwardGlobalLightData.DirectionalLightColor, 0);
		LightData.LightDirection = ForwardGlobalLightData.DirectionalLightDirection;
		LightData.DistanceFadeMAD = ForwardGlobalLightData.DirectionalLightDistanceFadeMAD;
		LightData.bRadialLight = false;
		LightData.MinRoughness = MinRoughness;

		LightData.ShadowedBits = (ForwardGlobalLightData.DirectionalLightShadowMapChannelMask & 0xFF) != 0 ? 1 : 0;
		// Static shadowing uses ShadowMapChannel, dynamic shadows are packed into light attenuation using PreviewShadowMapChannel
		LightData.ShadowMapChannelMask = UnpackShadowMapChannelMask(ForwardGlobalLightData.DirectionalLightShadowMapChannelMask);
		float4 PreviewShadowMapChannelMask = UnpackShadowMapChannelMask(ForwardGlobalLightData.DirectionalLightShadowMapChannelMask >> 4);
		float DynamicShadowing = dot(PreviewShadowMapChannelMask, DynamicShadowFactors);

		// In the forward shading path we can't separate per-object shadows from CSM, since we only spend one light attenuation channel per light
		// If CSM is enabled (distance fading to precomputed shadowing is active), treat all of our dynamic shadowing as whole scene shadows that will be faded out at the max CSM distance
		// If CSM is not enabled, allow our dynamic shadowing to coexist with precomputed shadowing
		float PerObjectShadowing = LightData.DistanceFadeMAD.y < 0.0f ? 1.0f : DynamicShadowing;
		float WholeSceneShadowing = LightData.DistanceFadeMAD.y < 0.0f ? DynamicShadowing : 1.0f;
		float4 LightAttenuation = float4(WholeSceneShadowing.xx, PerObjectShadowing.xx);
		float3 NewLighting = GetDynamicLighting(WorldPosition, -CameraVector, GBufferData, 1, GBufferData.ShadingModelID, LightData, LightAttenuation, uint2(0,0)).xyz;

		if ((ForwardGlobalLightData.DirectionalLightShadowMapChannelMask >> 8) & Primitive.LightingChannelMask)
			DirectLighting += NewLighting;
	const CulledLightsGridData CulledLightsGrid = GetCulledLightsGrid(GridIndex, EyeIndex);

	for (uint LocalLightListIndex = 0; LocalLightListIndex < CulledLightsGrid.NumLocalLights; LocalLightListIndex++)
		const LocalLightData LocalLight = GetLocalLightData(CulledLightsGrid.DataStartIndex + LocalLightListIndex, EyeIndex);
		FDeferredLightData LightData = (FDeferredLightData)0;
		LightData.LightPositionAndInvRadius = LocalLight.LightPositionAndInvRadius;
		LightData.LightColorAndFalloffExponent = LocalLight.LightColorAndFalloffExponent;
		LightData.LightDirection =;
		LightData.SpotAnglesAndSourceRadius = LocalLight.SpotAnglesAndSourceRadius;
		LightData.bInverseSquared = LightData.LightColorAndFalloffExponent.w == 0;
		LightData.bRadialLight = true;
		LightData.bSpotLight = LightData.SpotAnglesAndSourceRadius.x > -2.0f;
		LightData.MinRoughness = MinRoughness;

		uint PackedShadowMapChannelMask = asuint(LocalLight.LightDirectionAndShadowMask.w);
		LightData.ShadowedBits = (PackedShadowMapChannelMask & 0xFF) != 0 ? 1 : 0;
		// Static shadowing uses ShadowMapChannel, dynamic shadows are packed into light attenuation using PreviewShadowMapChannel
		LightData.ShadowMapChannelMask = UnpackShadowMapChannelMask(PackedShadowMapChannelMask);
		float4 PreviewShadowMapChannelMask = UnpackShadowMapChannelMask(PackedShadowMapChannelMask >> 4);
		float DynamicShadowing = dot(PreviewShadowMapChannelMask, DynamicShadowFactors);
		float4 LightAttenuation = float4(1, 1, DynamicShadowing.x, DynamicShadowing.x);
		float3 NewLighting = GetDynamicLighting(WorldPosition, -CameraVector, GBufferData, 1, GBufferData.ShadingModelID, LightData, LightAttenuation, uint2(0,0)).xyz;

		if ((PackedShadowMapChannelMask >> 8) & Primitive.LightingChannelMask)
			DirectLighting += NewLighting;

	// For debugging
	//DirectLighting = CulledLightsGrid.NumLocalLights / (float)ForwardGlobalLightData.MaxCulledLightsPerCell;
	return DirectLighting;

float3 GetForwardDirectLightingForVertexLighting(uint GridIndex, float3 WorldPosition, float3 WorldNormal, uint EyeIndex)
	float3 DirectLighting = 0;
	// Using white for diffuse color, real diffuse color will be incorporated per-pixel
	float3 DiffuseColor = 1.0f;

	if (ForwardGlobalLightData.HasDirectionalLight)
		float3 N = WorldNormal;
		float3 L = ForwardGlobalLightData.DirectionalLightDirection;
		float NoL = saturate(dot(N, L));

		float3 LightColor = ForwardGlobalLightData.DirectionalLightColor;
			NoL = 1.0f;

		// No specular for vertex lighting
		float3 DiffuseLighting = Diffuse_Lambert(DiffuseColor);
		DirectLighting += LightColor * NoL * (DiffuseLighting);
	const CulledLightsGridData CulledLightsGrid = GetCulledLightsGrid(GridIndex, EyeIndex);

	for (uint LocalLightListIndex = 0; LocalLightListIndex < CulledLightsGrid.NumLocalLights; LocalLightListIndex++)
		const LocalLightData LocalLight = GetLocalLightData(CulledLightsGrid.DataStartIndex + LocalLightListIndex, EyeIndex);
		FSimpleDeferredLightData LightData = (FSimpleDeferredLightData)0;
		LightData.LightPositionAndInvRadius = LocalLight.LightPositionAndInvRadius;
		LightData.LightColorAndFalloffExponent = LocalLight.LightColorAndFalloffExponent;
		LightData.bInverseSquared = LightData.LightColorAndFalloffExponent.w == 0;
		// No specular for vertex lighting
		float3 CameraVector = 0;
		float3 SpecularColor = 0;
		float Roughness = 1.0f;
		DirectLighting += GetSimpleDynamicLighting(WorldPosition, CameraVector, WorldNormal, 1, DiffuseColor, SpecularColor, Roughness, LightData);

	return DirectLighting;

uint MortonCode( uint x )
	//x = (x ^ (x <<  8)) & 0x00ff00ff;
	//x = (x ^ (x <<  4)) & 0x0f0f0f0f;
	x = (x ^ (x <<  2)) & 0x33333333;
	x = (x ^ (x <<  1)) & 0x55555555;
	return x;

// Translucency Surface per-pixel uses blended reflection captures by default in the deferred renderer
// Have to opt-in to blended reflection captures in the forward renderer
#define CompositeTileReflectionCaptureIndices CulledLightDataGrid
#define InstancedCompositeTileReflectionCaptureIndices InstancedCulledLightDataGrid
#include "ReflectionEnvironmentComposite.usf"

half3 GetImageBasedReflectionLighting(FMaterialPixelParameters MaterialParameters, half Roughness, half3 SpecularColor, half IndirectIrradiance, half ClearCoat, uint GridIndex, uint EyeIndex)
	float3 N = MaterialParameters.WorldNormal;
	float3 V = MaterialParameters.CameraVector;

	float3 RayDirection = 2 * dot( V, N ) * N - V;
	half NoV = saturate(dot(N, V));

	uint NumLocalReflectionCaptures = 0;
	uint DataStartIndex = 0;

	if (EyeIndex == 0)
		uint NumCulledEntryIndex = (ForwardGlobalLightData.NumGridCells + GridIndex) * NUM_CULLED_LIGHTS_GRID_STRIDE;
		NumLocalReflectionCaptures = NumCulledLightsGrid[NumCulledEntryIndex + 0];
		DataStartIndex = NumCulledLightsGrid[NumCulledEntryIndex + 1];
		uint NumCulledEntryIndex = (InstancedForwardGlobalLightData.NumGridCells + GridIndex) * NUM_CULLED_LIGHTS_GRID_STRIDE;
		NumLocalReflectionCaptures = InstancedNumCulledLightsGrid[NumCulledEntryIndex + 0];
		DataStartIndex = InstancedNumCulledLightsGrid[NumCulledEntryIndex + 1];

	float3 SpecularIBL = CompositeReflectionCapturesAndSkylight(1.0f, MaterialParameters.AbsoluteWorldPosition, RayDirection, Roughness, IndirectIrradiance, 1.0f, 0.0f, NumLocalReflectionCaptures, DataStartIndex, EyeIndex);

	// Factors derived from EnvBRDFApprox( SpecularColor, 1, 1 ) == SpecularColor * 0.4524 - 0.0024
	float3 SpecularBounce = 0.45f * SpecularColor * IndirectIrradiance;
	// Replace reflection captures with indirect diffuse when we're rendering to a reflection capture, to avoid a feedback loop
	SpecularIBL.rgb = lerp(SpecularIBL.rgb, SpecularBounce, ResolvedView.RenderingReflectionCaptureMask);

	if( View.CameraCut == 0 )
		//uint ViewRandom = (uint)(View.TemporalAAParams.r * 1551);
		uint ViewRandom = View.StateFrameIndexMod8 * 1551;

		uint Morton = MortonCode( (uint)MaterialParameters.SvPosition.x & 3 ) | ( MortonCode( (uint)MaterialParameters.SvPosition.y & 3 ) * 2 );
		uint PixelIndex = ReverseBits32( Morton ) >> 28;
		//uint PixelIndex = ( (uint)MaterialParameters.SvPosition.x & 3 ) | ( ( (uint)MaterialParameters.SvPosition.y & 3 ) * 2 );
		//PixelIndex = ( PixelIndex * 1551 ) & 15;

		uint Offset = ( PixelIndex + ViewRandom ) & 15;
		float StepOffset = Offset / 15.0;
		StepOffset -= 0.5;
		float4 HitUVzTime;
		float HCBLevel;

			HZBTexture, HZBSampler, float2(1, 1),
			MaterialParameters.WorldPosition_CamRelative, RayDirection, 0, 0, MaterialParameters.ScreenPosition.w,
			12, StepOffset,
			HitUVzTime, HCBLevel

		// if there was a hit
		BRANCH if( HitUVzTime.w < 1 )
			float4 SSR = SampleScreenColor( PrevSceneColor, PrevSceneColorSampler, );
			SSR *= saturate( 2 - 6.6 * Roughness );
			SpecularIBL.rgb = SpecularIBL.rgb * (1 - SSR.a) + SSR.rgb;

	SpecularColor = EnvBRDFApprox(SpecularColor, Roughness, NoV);

	float3 SpecularLighting = SpecularIBL.rgb;

	// Have to opt-in to receiving planar reflections with forward shading
	// Plane normal will be zero if the feature is disabled
	if (abs(dot(, 1)) > .0001f)
		// Reuse ReflectionCubemapSampler to avoid reducing the sampler count available to artists
		float4 PlanarReflection = ComputePlanarReflections(MaterialParameters.AbsoluteWorldPosition, MaterialParameters.WorldNormal, Roughness, ReflectionCubemapSampler);
		// Planar reflections win over SSR and reflection environment
		SpecularLighting = PlanarReflection.rgb + (1 - PlanarReflection.a) * SpecularLighting;

	return SpecularLighting * SpecularColor;

half3 GetImageBasedReflectionLighting(FMaterialPixelParameters MaterialParameters, half Roughness, half3 SpecularColor, half IndirectIrradiance, half ClearCoat, uint GridIndex)
	return GetImageBasedReflectionLighting(MaterialParameters, Roughness, SpecularColor, IndirectIrradiance, ClearCoat, GridIndex, 0);

Then i built the project and closed it. ( i also tried half 3 clear coat incase it made a difference).

I then ran the following tests.

Deferred renderer - One ball with bottom normal taken off and high precision normals taken off - (As a base line what to expect in a from the forward renderer as i would loose both these features when switching to the forward renderer)

Forward Renderer - Before .USF file was changed - As a control - high quality reflections turned on within


Forward Renderer - After .USF - high quality reflections turned on in material

As you can see it has made no difference so i know i have done something wrong could anyone please please please point me the right direction? how exactly would i implement clear coat to the forward renderer?

Many thanks in advance

Any ideas anyone?