Tags for Objects In Scene

Maybe this is already a thing, but being able to give them custom tags and select by those tags in the level editor would be super helpful. The folders are pretty limited as you have to choose one specific grouping.

Have you seen this?

or you mean context of editing the level and selecting objects placed in the level by tags, not in real-time?

I haven’t, that’s pretty neat. But yea I mean in the context of editing the level.

For example, if I place a bunch of torches in a room, I may want to organize them in a folder for that specific room, and then break the sub folders down into “lights” which contain the point lights and “static meshes” which contain the meshes of the torch, and “particles” which are my fire particles. I do the same thing for another room as well, with its own subfolder for each.

Now say I need to change the brightness of all the torches in both rooms. I have to go select the lights in the “lights” subfolder for each room. That isn’t that big a deal until you multiply it across a large map. But to be able to tag those specific lights as “torch lights” would allow me to select them all at once, and still keep the folder structure room based. I could also organize the folders by type (lights, SM, etc) and just tag the rooms.

I think it would be a very handy tool.

Agree, I’m missing something like this in the blueprint editor too. There is no way to filter out components of specific class or search by name/type

Have you checked out the Layers feature?

You can place actors in one or more layers and select actors by layer or hide layers (if an actor is in multiple layers it will only be hidden once all layers containing it are hidden).

You can also change the second column in the world outliner to layers to see which layers a given actor is in or sort by layer.

Michael Noland