Toggle between First Person and third person

So I made a designed a game in first person view, I want to know there’s away to make the game toggle from first person to third person when a button is pressed and back when the same button is pressed. I’ve tried searching for this but all the tutorials are about converting from TP to FP. I just recently took up unreal development so I’m still fairly new to this. I’m using 4.15. I appreciate the help thanks

You would want to attach the arms like in fps to the camera as player only see, then create a toggle where it hides it in 3rd person and makes body visably , then inverse for first person.

press r flip flop
A- set body visibility self untrue, set fps mesh visibility self true
B- set body visibility self true, set fps mesh visibilit self false, set spring arm length 800


If this is multiplayer you would want the body to always be visible to other players