Physical Decoration Objects

Hi, my first entry is about physical decorations. With self recorded sound for 11 modeled and textured objects and blueprint logic for sound playback and destructibles.
Did you ever need objects like this for your scenes? What do you think about it?

The modified character features jitter free walking over physical objects, a grabbing logic and a custom shooting logic with custom projectile.
however these things are only in there to better show off the physical objects.

Looks very useful!

This is pretty great, Ive implemented something similar into my Horror and FPS templates already, but one thing I havent been able to figure out is how to play sounds when objects scrap or drag along another object. Have you been able to figure this out?

actually a friend helped me to implement different physical movement stated, like bouncing(which is normal collision)/tumbling/sliding/rolling. however this system is still not stable enough to sell on the marketplace. perhaps i will upgrade this item at a later point or will have a new item for this.
what you have to do is like testing for perpendicular velocity against impact normal. and then test for angular velocity. however there are a few pitfalls which are yet to be eliminated.
so for this particuar marketplace item there are only normal collisions featured

Ah thanks for the info, if I figure anything out based on this Ill let you know!

here one last video to this package