FloatingPawnMovement "Use acceleration for paths" not working?

Hi, all! I’m fairly new to Unreal, and definitely new to the forums. Pleasure to meet everybody.

I have a BP class, “Monster”, extending Pawn. I’ve added a FloatingPawnMovement component to help it get around the world using a NavMesh.

A set up a simple AI system where it finds the nearest player and AIMoveTo’s them. While it worked (see GIF here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3299208/SharpMovement.gif), I was a little surprised to see the movement was sharp, ignoring my acceleration value and just hard locking at the defined max speed.

I looked around a bit, and apparently, only in a very recent update, 4.12, was the boolean “Use acceleration for paths” added. However, checking this box completely immobilizes my monster friend. He just…does nothing. I don’t really know how to go into the deep nuts and bolts of the NavMesh system to figure out exactly why. And, because the feature is so new, I couldn’t find much information on it online.

Does anyone have any insight, here? Or any other way to use Unreal’s great navigation features with acceleration? (Maybe calculating your own acceleration and using “max speed” as an effective velocity?)


I stumbled over this today while working on a similar feature. The problem seems to be that, when using “Use acceleration for paths”, the velocity of the pawn is updated via the control input of the movement component, but line 36 in “FloatingPawnMovement.cpp” only applies the control input if the character is not following a path currently. When I changed this line, the character finally started moving using the acceleration.

Sounds like a bug worth reporting in.