Rat, Fox, Wolf, Spider

Hey folks,

we now have these animals on the market and currently in Halloween sale

Benny the Rat

Wanda the Vixen

Richard the Wolf

the Spider

Simon the Raccoon

the Buffalo

Now with NeoFur support for all our animals, little sample:

We plan to work with the fur and make it even better looking in future updates.

Very impressive animations, gg :wink:

Thanks macoll :slight_smile:

all extremely well done! my favorite is the spider. might even save up to buy it for a project…

Some more animals on the list + assets, hope you like them :slight_smile:

Check the first post, we now have support for NeoFur in all our animals. Of course you still have to buy NeoFur to use it, but all the required files are there.

Edit: Sorry for what amounts to a double post, didn’t realize we have both threads in the same forum section :frowning: