How make collision with my imported object?

How make collision between my character and my imported object?

The object needs a collision: and the character -> therefore you will have to create a physic asset

There’s no others ways? 'Cause my object is very, very, VERY large. It’s big church.

You could use blocking volumes, but the 3rd way that I show in the video is useful for large meshes

Tell me more about “blocking volumes”. I can’t use this way 'cause I need to walk inside this church.

UPD: Oh yes, why my textures dosen’t appear?

Sorry to ask, but why cant you use this way? ^^ When you do it with the 3rd way every part have a collision -> so you will be able to walk into the building

Under the volume tab you can find the blocking volumes. Now you could place the around the mesh -> normally they are used to block the player from certain places

It’s hard to understand it for me… Can you explain it MORE detailed? I need to do it with EVERY object?

Just import your texture -> then create a material -> assign the material to the mesh :slight_smile:

It’s hard to understand it for me… Can you explain it MORE detailed? I need to do it with EVERY object?

Yes, you will have to assign a collision to every object that should collide with the player -> you can use all 3 ways that I show

The easy way is: go to the Static Mesh Editor from your Mesh, go to Static Mesh Settings and set Collision Complexity to: Use Complex Collision As Simple.

Your Mesh have more MatIDs go to each Material and connect your Textures in the Material with the Base Color (Diffuse) Slot.

I use the student version of motionbuilder to get the materials fixed (if you open an fbx file with it it creates an FBM subdirectory which will contain all the created and referenced textures from the modeling program, I’ve used it quite a bit when /maya exporting (you can even rename the material names in there).

You can get a free student version from autodesk and take a look.

Oh my! Much, much, much thanks to you!!!

Hi stroibot,

gave you some solid advice on setting up collision for your meshes. If you don’t want to do the collision in your 3D software you can use the suggestion of Block Volumes. These are great at covering a large area without having to do collision for every single object. In our Blueprints Office example on the Marketplace the entirety of that example uses Blocking volumes for collision.

I do want to point out that while .Thummler is correct that you can use “Complex Collision as Simple” but there is a cost with this method. It would be fine to use on simple meshes but I would not recommend this for more complex or poly intensive models for the reason that it is will render your model twice. Once for the Static Mesh and the second time is rendering your complete model for it’s surface as collision.

You can find some information on UCX collision here. If you look about mid-way down you’ll see why having collision set up in specific ways can really benefit you and keep from running into issues that may affect your player character. It is well worth the read to fully understand the benefits of this system! :slight_smile:

If you have any questions feel free to ask!

Thank you!

Looking at your details panel it looks like you imported the entire church as a single map object. Doing so is faster but rather inefficient.

Looking at the pic there is a fair number of objects that repeats that you could make as single fabricated objects that you could make instant copies cutting down on the memory footprint as well gain a bit of a performance boost by letting the engine occluded from rendering things that are not visible to the camera.

For example there are ten benches and assuming that they are part of the single object you could make a single bench, added a simple collision to that one object, and then make as many copies as you wish and it’s footprint will be equal to the single bench and since they are copies the engine can exclude the object from the render if not seen by the camera.

The columns is another example. If you need ten of them then you could make one and each copy is a free lunch. So what you could do is use your single model as the proxy as a point of reference and replace each of the common objects and you can then afford to put in more detail from the savings.

So looking at the pic again I see a total of 8 collision mesh required to keep the player in the environment.

Great advice and tips, !

This is a lot of great information not just for stroibot, but anyone who is looking to build larger environments that could benefit from Modularity. The performance gains can be undeniable here!


If you’re interested in Modular design this walk through was one I used a couple of years ago. It’s detailed and easy enough to grasp concepts and theory behind it!

If you have questions or need advice feel free to ask!

Thank you!