Hi everyone,
as many of us I’m coming from a 3dsmax/vray reality and during my first time on unreal I had to learn and understand a complete new topic: unwrap the objects to make diffuse and lightmaps!
Now months (almost a year) have passed, I learnt some unwrap methods, I experimented, I met many other problems but still I have doubts that I’m doing a correct unwrap and in particular facing complex objects!
I opened this thread to discuss with you about it using a similar scheme I’ve seen here on the forum (over all 's lightmass thread):
- here it is a complex sofa that I have; it’s downloadable: HERE .max FILE](MEGA) HERE .fbx FILE](MEGA)
I use to export the object with 3ds in a generic fbx (I don’t change any setting) and open the fbx exported in Blender, where I work to the diffuse and the lightmaps: in this experimental case the maps that I’d create would be like this
- **The diffuse map **was already on the downloaded file and even if really complex it seems to work pretty well for the use of tileable texture (I’m not really caring of this one at the moment)
- The lightmap:
- Pillows: I set the seams to have for each pillow the “cap” above and below, and the central part cut another time to split it like a sort of rectuangular; the ribbons are left attached to the caps
Frame: the main tube has a seam running through all its lenght to open it, then there are seams at every turn to divide the stright parts from the turning parts; the secondary tubes have 2 seams instead of 1 to open them; obviously I put a seam for every intersection between the main and the secondaries
Foots: really easy ones, splitted in two cups (above and below) and I put a seam through the central part to open it
Base frame: in the original file is not perfectly modeled, but I tried to split the planes and put a seam at every turn to split the central parts in many sub-parts (like the main tube with straights and turns); in this particular case it should be remodeled but since it’s barely visible under all the pillows I left it as it is for now
And this is the result in a unreal file (world setting: lighting scale 0.3; indirect bounces 20; indirect quality 10; indirect smooth 1; no compress lightmaps; no .ini file tweaked; medium quality build) with a simple material (diffuse color 0.855,0.855,0.855; specular 0; roughness 1) and lightmap resolution at 512
-Printscreen in playing mode-
-Printscreen in editor-
I know there is even the possibility to remodel the sofa with few meshes and bake the normals to fake all the details, but I’d like to make clear before how exactly is made a good unwrap, if there are some kind of rules or tricks that the
more experts want to share with the newbies
I’ve colored any parts with different colors to make more clear the UVs belonging!