4.20: 3D Widgets non clickable in standalone game ?


I recently migrated to 4.20 and 3D widgets seem to not respond to click in a standalone (or even packaged) game.

They still work in PIE though.

I made a short video to show the problem:




We’ve recently made a switch to a new bug reporting method using a more structured form. Please visit the link below for more details and report the issue using the new Bug Submission Form. Feel free to continue to use this thread for community discussion around the issue.




I have already submitted some BR through this new method, the problem is i am not given any ticket number and it seems i have no way to follow/bump the incident.

Is there a way to follow the tickets created using the new way ?



I’m having the same issue. My 3D Widget will not trigger a UI button click when I click on it in a Standalone game. It works in a new editor window.

I created two projects, one in 4.19.2 and another in 4.20.1 and they show different results.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Create a new project in Unreal Engine 4.19.2 (Blueprints, Blank, Desktop, Max Quality, No Content)
  2. Add a Widget Blueprint
  3. Delete the Canvas Panel and add a Vertical Box with a Button and Text.
  4. Add a Clicked event to the Graph and use Print String to display something.
  5. Add an Actor Blueprint.
  6. Add a Widget Component to the Blueprint.
  7. Set the Widget Class to be the Widget Blueprint you created in step 2.
  8. Enable the Receive Hardware Input.
  9. In the starter level, edit the Level Blueprint.
  10. Add a “Get Player Controller” node to the Begin Play event and show the mouse cursor using “Set Show Mouse Cursor”.
  11. Drag the Actor Blueprint into the level somewhere where you will see it from the Player Start.
  12. Playing in a New Editor Window should allow you to click the button and see the Print String output on screen.
  13. Playing in Standalone Game should show the same result in 4.19.2 but in 4.20.1 this step does not show the string output on screen.

Hope this helps.

Waiting to find the answer…

It’s a known bug, i’m closing this one.


A temporary fix is to use the OnPressed event on a button instead/aswell as OnClicked.

Thanks to ironsmith here: