I’m getting the same error when i’m launching the game from the epic game launcher. The loading screen appears but the game doesn’t start.
Hey guyz i have problem with fortnite game. Game frezzing and quiting
after 10 minutes when i play . Someone know how to fix this? It isnt computer fault. I did reinstall,trobleshooting, and more options but didnt fix this. Please help!
update ur graphic card drivers
for me work
Unreal Answer Hub is meant for Unreal Engine Development questions.
Fortnite has it’s own bug report section:
Your issue may be related to TDR:
i have the same problem
How do I do that?
I had the same issue. If you know how to get into bios try resetting everything back to default. Come to find out my memory was causing this crash. My motherboard didn’t like the memory being overclocked so I reset it back to default on a whim and it works perfectly. Let me know
Download unreal engine click option click debugging symbols click apply
And restart your computer and its done
Hey I tried to do your suggestion . But after I download it it keeps saying that my epic game launcher is running and I don’t know how bc it’s not opened . Please help me if you can .
Go to Fortnite launcher > Unreal tab > Library > Engine versions > Install updated Unreal Engine > Done