Change Anim BP tick group?

I notice the Anim Blueprint is ticking before the standard Tick group which is a big issue for me.

Is it possible to change to tick group of an Animation Blueprint to something like post physics ?



I finally succeed !
Setting the tick group of my Mesh containing my Animation Blueprint. I set it to the tick group just after my Actor blueprint containing the mesh.
That works !

It is really a shame that Anim Blueprint use same behavior as standard Actor blueprint, but doesn’t have such similar interface with it… makes me believe it was not working at the first place.

By the way, it seams that Add Tick Prerequisite Actor doesn’t work at all with Anim blueprint ?!


Hello, I know it is pretty late, but did you find a way to use Add Tick Prerequisite for ABP?
I am stuck on the problem that ABP ticks earlier than a pawn and I have small quivering in the game