I keep getting spammed by this bit in the Output Log:
Looks like a wire-trace was not
injected before the jump from ‘Cast To
customcontroller’ to ‘Set customAttribute’.
When trying to cast and access my PlayerController upon “Event Begin Play”.
Whatever I want to access and do in my PlayerController still works, I’m just curious what this is? It doesn’t just fire off once, it spams the entire Output Log.
I’ve seen this too occasionally, when doing various casting ops. It typically goes away after closing and reloading the project, but it is indeed a bit of a mystery, yet does not seem to affect functionality of the affected blueprints.
It seems to be coming from having the BluePrint causing the Error open in the BluePrint editor. Closing that particular BluePrint stops the error from appearing for me, think it’s related to the simulation of the flow.
I’m getting this for the first time in 4.6.1. I’m trying to debug my project by reading the output log, but this is just flooding it. It does go away when I compile and save everything, but I make one little change in one BP, and suddenly 20 other BPs are “dirty”
I got this error too. Debuging with this isn’t very nice. Even if I delete every node and recreat it it doesn’t help. Remove and make a new BP isn’t possible due it is the levelBP. Even in other levels this error occures.
Ingame there isn’t any problems.
Have it happening in 4.8. It keeps constantly spamming the log even though it is a round based game where currently nothing is happening. What kind of warning message even starts with “looks like”? Very odd.
I had a similar problem when I used a Timeline with BP Sequence node (Then 0 was connected to Timeline and Then 1 to other function). The warning occured when Sequencer launched the Timeline and entered the other function before the Timeline completed. I resolved this by connecting Timeline to the last pin of Sequence node.