If you have a drag and drop widget, with a button, the drag is not registered. When I disable the button, the drag works again, but it greys out the contents inside the button.
It is relatively easy to reproduce, if you follow any of Unreal Engine’s Drag & Drop tutorials most of them use buttons inside the drag-able widget.
I too am experiencing this issue. The only work around I have found is to use the middle mouse button or right mouse button for the time being. I’m am hoping epic fix this soon.
Hey guys…yeah this was driving me insane until I finally stumbled across this. I have had to re-write the Programming Unit and used UE4.17 for the college I work for and thanks to the above from thejhNZ I flicked the switch to middle mouse button and bam…works…so I will just note that for the students for now!!! Let’s hope it gets fixed in the near future. So I do reccommend anyone else having this issue to do the same until it’s investigated and fixed.