I have upgraded from 4.16.3. I tried packaging my game for 4.17 and it just crashed on launch. I then saw the 4.17.1 update but the game crashes on launch with it as well. I am packaging the game using the source version of the engine.
I don’t get any errors when building the engine or packaging the project.
I noticed this at the top of the crash report:
LogWindows: LoadLibraryWithSearchPaths failed for file aqProf.dll. GetLastError=0
LogWindows: LoadLibraryWithSearchPaths failed for file VtuneApi.dll. GetLastError=0
LogWindows: LoadLibraryWithSearchPaths failed for file VtuneApi32e.dll. GetLastError=0
I also built the dedicated server and when i tried to run it i got the follow error:
I’ve got the same
LogWindows: LoadLibraryWithSearchPaths failed for file aqProf.dll. GetLastError=0
LogWindows: LoadLibraryWithSearchPaths failed for file VtuneApi.dll. GetLastError=0
LogWindows: LoadLibraryWithSearchPaths failed for file VtuneApi32e.dll. GetLastError=0
Can you both post the full callstack and log from the packaged game where the crash occurred? Just from the error in the picture that you provided, , it seems like disabling Blueprint Nativization should be able to temporarily work around this issue but that is more of a band-aid fix than a proper one. I’ll need those additional logs to proceed however.
I already have Blueprint Nativization Disabled.
My project is about 9GB or so, do you want me to cut it down in size and send it to you?
Thank you for the logs, . After looking into this some more, it seems that this crash in particular has already been reported and is being worked on. You can track the bug’s progress at the following link: UE-47991.
As for the question about sending the project, it likely won’t be necessary as we already have a project provided by another user that reproduces the issue. I appreciate the offer however.
have got a similar problem… started when I upgraded my project from 4.15. to 4.16… even fixed all warnings that I could fix without touching any engine code and it still crashes although the packaging process was successful… opened another post but haven’t received even the slightest response ever since… Logfile