I succesfully rigged my character with ART tool (maya 2015)
i added jiggle bone connected to spine3.
but when it skins it to my mesh it doenst moves anything.It doent’s jiggle, if i try to play the animation
Are we talking in the actual animation rig file or in the export file (where you skin and do the joint mover setup)?
In the animation rig file, on the jiggle control, check to make sure the attribute for chainStartEnvelope isn’t zero. (as well as checking some of the other ones, like chain iterations, stiffness, drag, etc). Those should all have some default values, but it’s possible you may have zeroed them out by accident.
If you’re referring to the export file, the bones are just bones at that stage, and will not have any dynamics applied until the rig is built!
i want to make jiggle bone not chain bone
I understand. They’re actually the same rig, in terms of the code
Did you check that attribute? If it’s zero, nothing will happen. Also, how are you testing it? What is it parented to? There are lots of things that will affect the dynamics, like parent motion, attribute settings, etc.
i cant found that setting.
i testing with jumping animation in maya.
its parented to spine3 bone and its not jiggling.
but i made second test.i created 2 jigglebone. first jigglebone connected to spine3 second jigglebone connected to first jigglebone and first j.b. not jiggling but second one is jiggling
The fact that your second one works and the first one doesn’t points to it not being an issue with the rig code, but most likely a skinning issue, or attributes not being set properly.
Here is a quick video I put together going over the attributes and settings for the dynamics:
I think once you watch that and try some of the steps in there, you should be able to get it working. If it still doesn’t work, I’d check to make sure the mesh is skinned to the bone.
Test 1.ok i looked to settings its same like yours. I added gravityforce now jigglebone is jiggling but not skinned to mesh.(i cant get it skinned)(its conencted to spine1)
Test 2 .i tested with 2 jigglebone again.jigglebone1 connected to spine2 other is connected to jigglebone1 . jb1 is strangely skinned to mesh other one is not
is there a way to get “test 1” working?
p.s.=i using maya 2015
Edit= Thank you for the video and help
I doing samething but it doesnt skins.i importing mesh to maya
Creating character rig with jiggle connected to spine2
Then i moving arms and legs match to mesh then i skinning to mesh
(I putting jiggle to inside character mesh) but you saw the result its not skinned to but if i make 2 jigglebone its skins
Edit maya giving mayatomr plugin not found but its always saying it
hey man! So, looks like test 1 works in that, the joint is moving, but the mesh isn’t skinned to it. You mentioned you can’t get the mesh to be skinned to the jiggle bone. Is there a reason why? Does it throw an error or something?
no error though when trying to skin? Does the bone get added to the skinCluster or does it not even make it that far. If you’re getting an error when trying to add the bone to the skinCluster, go ahead and post the error up here!
Maybe its a bug can you try it too?
I will test and write (if there is one) error here
hmm, those are all warnings dealing with the proxy mannequin geometry, so that shouldn’t be an issue in this case. I did give this a shot on my end, and everything is working as expected, and the bone skins to the mesh no problem.
can you send me a file? (jeremy.ernst@epicgames.com)
Ok i sent .Waiting for you
This file works fine once you add some weighting to the belly bone. I just went into the skin weights tool, added some weights to the belly joint, as there were none, rebuilt the rig, and bam, jiggles. this was in Maya 2015 sp2. I will email you back the export file, but I’m seeing no issues here aside from the joint not being weighted.
Thank you so much. I will reinstall maya for my weighting tool doenst working.Thank you again