4.15 had normal 80Mb API.chm file in Documentation folder. Now I use 4.16 and here is 163 Kb invalid API.chm file. . .
Where can I get valid 4.16 API.chm ?
There have been a few issues with the tool that generates our API documentation, but it’s being worked on as we speak. Most issues have been resolved, and we hope to have the 4.16 API.chm and HTML API documentation up soon.
To follow up on this, we’re still having some technical problems with production of the API.CHM file, but we are on track to have the website updated with full 4.16 documentation soon. We are also looking into alternate solutions for the .CHM issue for developers who prefer offline help files.
4.16 has some changes, though these changes make up a small percentage of the overall API. The online documentation should be up to date, so you can use that as well. As I mentioned before, we’re working on the 4.16 API.CHM file issues.
Thank you very much, Richard !
Ok second this. Ill just dl 4.15 for the moment and use that chm file.
4.16 probably not a huge change in coding?
Still wrong in 4.17.1…
UNREAL_ROOT\Engine\Documentation\CHM\API.chm 166KB and don’t load
That is likely a packaging error on our part; there should be no API.chm included in 4.17. We are talking about ways to distribute our help pages for offline customers, but .chm files appear not to be an option going forward. The core issues are that the technology that creates .chm files is, as far as we can tell, closed source (owned by Microsoft) and is unable to support documentation of the size and complexity that we require. It is not officially supported by Microsoft, and hasn’t been for a while, so an update from them is unlikely and from us is impossible. We understand that some customers, especially those who work without internet access, would benefit from offline documentation, and are in the process of determining what the best solution is for this situation.
This appears to still not be available in 4.23?
Hi, ue4odyssey. We discontinued CHM support in 4.16 due to our API being slightly too large for the CHM tool to build, and CHM itself being unsupported. We currently offer a TGZ archive of our API (in HTML format) for public download under the Engine/Documentation/Builds path, as BlueprintAPI-HTML.TGZ for BP reference and CPPAPI-HTML.TGZ for C++ reference. We’ll also be including the C++ archive in future public binary releases (the BP one is already included).
We’re still having some technical problems with production of the API.CHM file, but we are on track to have the website updated with full 4.16 documentation soon. We are also looking into alternate solutions for the .CHM issue for developers who prefer offline help files. official site
Just to clarify this: We have discontinued CHM production due to technical limitations of the third-party, closed-source, deprecated tool required to produce CHM files. Our documentation, as of version 4.16, grew to such a size that it would crash the tool on which every CHM-generation program relies. The TGZ archive contains our API reference in HTML format, so users who want an offline reference can download and extract the reference they need from there, and read it with any web browser. I hope this addresses any remaining concerns.