I have seen plenty of reports like this here, but they are all seems to be a little bit different or lacking details.
We recently have started our beta and it doesn’t take long until we got weird fatal error crash error reports happening on AMD graphics card. So we decided to dig out our very old “AMD Radeon HD 5700 Series” graphics card and mounted it into one of our computer.
Unreal Editor was starting and basically working (20 fps on low). We were able to package the 32-bit version, but running the packaged build always causes the fatal error.
- A packaged 64-bit is working without any issue.
- Using OpenGL instead of DirectX is working as well with 32-bit version.
- We tested this witch 4.16 preview and it happens there too.
- It was working on version 4.13 without issues.
- We tested this with driver version 15.7.1 (8-3-2015 - newest) and 15.201.1151.1008 (11-4-2015).
Graphics card we encounter this fatal error so far
AMD HD 5700 Series
AMD HD 5800 Series
AMD HD 6570 Series
AMD HD 6800 Series
AMD Radeon R9 M290X
AMD Radeon ™ R9 380 Series
Probably more…
Steps to reproduce
- Open a new first person shooter example project.
- Package 32-bit version (Make sure to use DirectX, since OpenGL works)
- Copy the packaged 32-bit build to a computer with an older AMD HD Series graphics card (try to use one from the list above).
- Try to start the game on this computer.
- Fatal error.
Log file:
link text
Call stack from the log
[2017.05.07-16.36.47:173][ 0]LogWindows:Error: === Critical error: ===
[2017.05.07-16.36.47:173][ 0]LogWindows:Error:
[2017.05.07-16.36.47:173][ 0]LogWindows:Error: Fatal error!
[2017.05.07-16.36.47:173][ 0]LogWindows:Error:
[2017.05.07-16.36.47:173][ 0]LogWindows:Error: Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000008
[2017.05.07-16.36.47:173][ 0]LogWindows:Error:
[2017.05.07-16.36.47:173][ 0]LogWindows:Error: PropWitchHuntModule.exe!FD3D11DynamicRHI::InitD3DDevice() [w:\projects\unrealengine\engine\source\runtime\windows\d3d11rhi\private\windows\windowsd3d11device.cpp:1080]
[2017.05.07-16.36.47:173][ 0]LogWindows:Error: PropWitchHuntModule.exe!RHIInit() [w:\projects\unrealengine\engine\source\runtime\rhi\private\dynamicrhi.cpp:181]
[2017.05.07-16.36.47:173][ 0]LogWindows:Error: PropWitchHuntModule.exe!FEngineLoop::PreInit() [w:\projects\unrealengine\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launchengineloop.cpp:1641]
[2017.05.07-16.36.47:173][ 0]LogWindows:Error: PropWitchHuntModule.exe!GuardedMain() [w:\projects\unrealengine\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launch.cpp:127]
[2017.05.07-16.36.47:173][ 0]LogWindows:Error: PropWitchHuntModule.exe!GuardedMainWrapper() [w:\projects\unrealengine\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:147]
[2017.05.07-16.36.47:173][ 0]LogWindows:Error: PropWitchHuntModule.exe!WinMain() [w:\projects\unrealengine\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:210]
[2017.05.07-16.36.47:173][ 0]LogWindows:Error: PropWitchHuntModule.exe!__scrt_common_main_seh() [f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl:253]
[2017.05.07-16.36.47:173][ 0]LogWindows:Error: KERNEL32.DLL!0x0000000074CA8744
[2017.05.07-16.36.47:173][ 0]LogWindows:Error: ntdll.dll!0x0000000077D4587D
[2017.05.07-16.36.47:173][ 0]LogWindows:Error: ntdll.dll!0x0000000077D4584D
[2017.05.07-16.36.47:173][ 0]LogWindows:Error: ntdll.dll!0x0000000077D4584D
[2017.05.07-16.36.47:173][ 0]LogWindows:Error: