Why I see this error?
UE4Editor-Cmd: [2017.03.13-11.20.09:441][ 0]LogScriptSerialization:Warning: Error: Unknown bytecode 0x3C; ignoring it
Why I see this error?
UE4Editor-Cmd: [2017.03.13-11.20.09:441][ 0]LogScriptSerialization:Warning: Error: Unknown bytecode 0x3C; ignoring it
Hmm… it happens when I create Map(dictionary) locally, is it bug?
Same here. I create a map in my BP and now I see this error and it slows down loading it seems
Same here. I create a map in my BP and now I see this error and it slows down loading it seems
I hope this helped you
It turned ouot I could do what I wanted to do without maps so I dropped the maps from my BOP again and the error is gone
I have the same issue with a Set of custom Enum which is a local variable of a function. It is also an input pin of another function.
I prevents the project from being packaged (4.15.2, Windows 64 bits).
I have the same error but with “Unknown bytecode 0x3A”.
Replacing the Set with an Array fixed the issue.
That is very bad if it prevents packaging. there should be a bug report. Will you report this as a bug?
Thanks, I don’t use maps now but they sound like a useful concept. I would hate to find a useful situation for them and then not being able to use them because of this bug