I’m having trouble getting the steam overlay to work in my packaged game. I’m using the generic shooter pack which has it’s own defaultengine.ini settings, first I’m wondering how to best arrange those.
Here’s the defaultengine.ini DefaultEngine - Google Docs
After enabling the steam plugin and restarting, standalone will crash on start up, and the game will package with a warning that looks like this, even though the api is in the right directory.
LogOnline:Display: STEAM: Loading Steam SDK 1.32 LogMac:Warning: dlopen failed: dlopen(/Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.14/Engine/Binaries/Mac/UE4Editor.app/Contents/MacOS/libsteam_api.dylib, 5): image not found LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Steam SDK 1.32 libraries not present at or failed to load!
And here’s the standalone crash report:
EDIT: Also I know that for mac it should be run through steam, but that doesn’t work.
And here are the tutorials I have been trying already for the ini and sdk configuration:
Online Subsystem Steam | Unreal Engine Documentation.