Strange warnings in packaging games

Hello, I have 2 warnings I cant understand how to remove, can someone help?

1 LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object ‘Class /Game/ShootingDead/Widgets/W_PlayerUI.W_PlayerUI’

I dont know why he failed to find object which works fine and literally there.

2 LogCook:Warning: Found unparsable ini setting Windows.EditorPerProjectUserSettings:DetailCategories:FirstPersonCharacter_C.Character Movement: Walking:0 for platform WindowsNoEditor, invalidating cook.

What is this warning and how bad it affects packaging game?

No such line in INI file


I had this same warning appear for myself as well. Remove the intermediate and saved folders under your project folder. This should clear the invalidating cook warning. The only thing I have noticed though is that it will fix the warning for only so long. In my project it will come back every now and then but the solution is to remove those two folders. Sometimes removing the hidden UnrealEngine folder under your AppData folder will also clear any strange issues.

See my question about this here…

hope this helps.

Well, its not really permanent solution, but thanks for answer

Correct, I still experience this in my project so this actually might be a bug within the engine itself, I’m hoping an Epic Staff member can chime in on this.

Hello ,

I have a few questions for you that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.

Quick questions:

  1. Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
  2. If so, could you provide a detailed list of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?
  3. Could you provide screen shots of any blueprints/settings that may be involved with this issue?


I was able to easily reproduce this issue just now,

-create a fresh new FPS template project.

-Cook the contents first thing - no warnings

-then edit the FPS blueprint and add a node anywhere or make any simple change. see image attached.


-re-cook the project. I get the warning.

I can’t recreate missing file from new project since it wont exist there

That error I get when packagin Win64

And if I rename it to W_PlayerUI2 I get this errors:

I tried to use Fix Up Redirectors in Folder, nothing changed.

Also “showing all actors using this asset” selects my AI child class that never actually uses it but doesnt select my FirstPersonCharacter that uses it

Also seems this warning shows up on project load

Well, I cant provide any details since there are no errors in actual gameplay or packaging… Seems like some redirections have been fckd up. Can I check them on my side somehow?

Could you try Verifying your engine and let me know if this makes a difference?



Verified, nothing changed. Btw Im using 4.14.0 version. Didnt find anything what bothers me in hotfixes. Is it safe to upgrade project with hotfixes? If so I can try it and say result.

In most cases it should be safe to upgrade to the latest hotfix. A hotfix is used to add in any major fixes that may have been over looked on the original release.

Errors remained in 4.14.2

any update on this, can someone else verify this bug with my steps above?

Hello jimd667,

I tried to reproduce this issue use the steps provided, however I have been unable to do so. Could you provide your dxdiag?

I have a similar bug:

LogCook:Warning: Found unparsable ini setting Windows.EditorPerProjectUserSettings:DetailCategories:SideScrollerCharacter_C.Character Movement: Walking:0 for platform AllDesktop, invalidating cook.

This is in a side scroller template project with a few changes… I am not sure if it produced this bug in previous versions. I am a noob and accidentally clicked “Launch” for the first time.

It doesn’t impact me for now, I just wondered if I could help replicate this bug more.

I also get this warning, when trying to launch my project or cook it.

using ue4.14.3

here’s my dxdiag:
[link text][2]

Thank you ! Love the Engine and all the work you guys do. Have a great day.

After doing a bit of digging I was able to find that this is a known issue. I have provided a link to the public tracker. Please feel free to use the link provided for future updates. Thank you for your time and information.

Link: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-40257)

Make it a great day

Great, what now about object class that exists and works but can’t be found by cooking. How can I debug that?

Hello ,

I will need you to create a new thread for the second question for tracking purposes. After this you can place a link in a reply here and I will be happy to follow up. One test I would like you to try (please post the information gathered on the new thread), is migrating the asset that is not being found to a new project and let me know if the error still occurs.

link to new thread -