[UE4 convert .fbx to .uasset commandlet]


I asked a question two month ago about if it was possible to convert .fbx to .uasset by command line outside of the UE4 engine and I had to wait the 4.14. So now there is the 4.14.1 and I saw that the command was implemented.

New: Added a commandlet to enable command line importing of any asset type that the engine supports.

I saw on another post that the command was that kind :

UE4Editor.exe filepath.uproject -run=ImportAssets -source=filepath.fbx -dest=assetpath -importsettings=""

But I have some problem with it on the path (as you can see with the image).

So I would like to know the proper way to convert the .fbx to .uasset ?

Thanks :slight_smile:


I have succeeded in writing the good cmd line :

UE4Editor-Cmd.exe pathtouproject.uproject -run=ImportAssets -source=pathto.fbx -dest=assetpath -importsettings=""

But now I have a fatal error :

LogWindows:Error: Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000028.

I can import an image .png or .jpg into the project but not .fbx.

If you have any suggestion?



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hey, thanks for you answer but I need the commandlet process. ^^

We generate a lot of .fbx on a server and we want to automatically convert them into .uasset without needing to pass on UE4. :slight_smile:

Hello nyudeb,

So whenever you import any .fbx file into your project, those files should then be converted into .uassets automatically. For example, I have a set of .fbx meshes that I have imported into the Content Browser and placed in a folder I called ‘Meshes’. I opened the folder within my unreal project directory, and they were discovered/converted into .uassets.

This commandlet is so new that it does not have any documentation for how to implement it correctly, so I might log a ticket to have that addressed. This should work without the need for a commandlet, but if I am missing something let me know.

Thank you,

Your destination path is wrong. It is generating /Game/F:/Workspace/… which is not valid. What are you passing in there. You don’t need to put a full absolute path just something relative to the games content directory like /Game/MyMeshes/MyMesh

I’ve entered a ticket to have our documentation updated to include this new feature and how to use it.



Hello, I found it wasn’t the full absolute path. But now I have an other error, i’m able to import image (png / jpg) with this method but when it’s a .fbx I got this error :

Up - If someone have a solution for my last post about the crash… it could be great :smiley:

The “EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000…”

So…I tried the process again and this is the full error with the command line :

When I try to import the same FBX in my project by drag’n’drop, if I include the skeleton it crash … without any error message…
If I import it without the skeleton it work.

So is there a way to import the .fbx without the skeleton in command line? is there any documentation about the ImportAssets command line since December?

Thanks :slight_smile:

There have not been any updates to the documentation ticket entered for this commandlet feature.

You might still be able to figure it out through context if you follow along with our general Commandlet documentation page.


Please remain patient while we work on getting proper documentation for this feature.

Thank you,