4.2 Blueprint "AIMoveTo" doesn´t trigger "On Success"/"On Fail"

Hi there, I think with 4.2 there´s a problem with the “AI MoveTo” node.

It no longer triggers “On Success” or “On Fail”, just always the standard output pin.
The “Movement Result” is changed now, too. Its always at “Success”.

I don´t think its supposed to work this way, is it?

Here is my Blueprint, I´m using it in a Behavior Tree Task.

Thanks in advance!


The biggest problem I see is that we exposed AIMoveTo to be used in blueprints. It has never been finished and tested, and has never been guaranteed to work. We’ll have to address it one way or another in near future.

However you don’t have to use it at all. Behavior trees already have a dedicated task for moving AI - why aren’t you using that one?



Oh Ok, thanks!

Yea it was more of a work around for me. My problem with the dedicated move task is that I didnt found a way to do checks while moving, the behavior tree waits till the move is entirely finished. What I want is while moving to verify if I still need to move on and, if not, to stop.

There’s a number of ways to achieve that with our BTs! :smiley: It depends on what you want to observe while AI is moving, but the most basic case is to have a BT service that observes whatever you need and modifies values in blackboard while a BB-observing BT decorator is guarding move task’s execution. The move will get aborted as soon as guarding condition fails (provided the decorator was set to “abort self” or “abort both”).

Is there any danger in using BTs if it’s still experimental? There was a video form Epic on Twitch saying to be very careful using experimental stuff and that it could all change / not work when it eventually rolls out. That’s the only reason I’m doing all of my states in Blueprint. I’m just apprehensive that I’m going to lose all of my work.

I migrated it now successfully, thanks for the advice, it really forced me to tidy my BT design up and to improve it!

Behavior Trees are said to be experimental only due to the tools needing some more polishing work. If you start using BTs now there’s no threat of loosing your work. We’re using BTs extensively in Fortnite and we’d mess ourselves up if we broke them.

Hi, not sure if this thread is still running, but a quick question about Mieszkoz answer above (9:49) “is to have a BT service that observes whatever you need and modifies values in blackboard”, how can you get the service to run in parallel to the task?

I’d much rather have you open a new thread asking this questions, but in short, BT services by design tick “in parallel” to tasks. I say “in parallel” since the actual “tick” function call is done as part of BehaviorTreeComponent's tick, but it’s done independent of the task (provided the task is a leaf of the branch the service is sitting on).
