Create faster loading for HTML5?

I have uploaded a Unreal HTML5 project to github without the gz files. This is my file structure:


“README. md” is a file created by github.

It works fine and can be viewed here: Html_test2

However, the fullscreen option does not work. Also tested it on the local server unreal provides, same issue with the fullscreen there. The loading is also quite slow. I guess this can be fixed by implementing the compressed gz files. New file structure is shown here:


But this sadly resulted in some new errors:

By reading the console it says that it can’t find the .js files and .html file. Is this because I renamed the .html file to “index.html”? …Should anything special be done in order to implement a HTML5 game with the compressed gz files? Like the “readme.txt” indicates with a apache sever.

Any help is appreciated, thank you!

From what I understand, your project was originally working and now it is not because you’ve added in gzip, is that right? And the fullscreen mode isn’t working on either original HTML5 projects or while using gzip?

Looking forward to hearing back from you, thanks!

That is correct. And yes, fullscreen does not work on neither. From what I understand the compressed “gzip” method could possibly make the loading time faster? …that why I would like it to work

EDIT: You can test it yourself by following the links :slight_smile:

Oh… I just realized that if you run the game locally with only the “.gz” files, it still does not work. This gives me the feeling that it’s not supposed to work with only the “.gz” files? (as shown in the second image)

In that case, whats the point of having them? :confused:

We’re having draw to viewport issues with HTML5 in 4.13, which were since fixed but there are a couple issues happening in 4.14 which is being tracked by UE-36341.

But the gz files were implemented to keep the packaging sizes down. When you add the .htaccess file to your server, the webserver should send the gz files as long as the browser supports it.

Please make sure you’re using the most recent versions of Mozilla FireFox and/or Chromium or Chrome.
