Splitscreen toggle

I’m working in a splitscreen game. And i’ve enabled the game to use that feature. But the problem now, when the game starts, and i go to the player selection screen, rather than getting one big screen to allow players choosing their setup, i get 4 individual screens. Can i turn splitscreen of for this single map, and enable it again during the game?

You can always toggle split screen On/Off at runtime through C++, but if your project is BP, you can simply expose that API to the blueprint in form of a node. Check this quick video on how to do it:


Thanks manmoniem, that saved the day. you mean a blueprints project can have some cpp classes too!!

yes, you can use bp in c++ project, and you can use c++ in bp project :wink: it’s Unreal.


got this working on mac using xcode, just wish it was exposed through bp would save a lot of time… but good stuff nonetheless

You can do this with blueprints it takes some patience i did it with a custom made pawn. The goal is to remove the players from the game after the open level node (when you go to menu) you have the remove all players but not ALL you have to keep 1 else your menu will have a black screen and will not be controllable. so when you spawn in your level blueprint with create player you have to give the pawn or controller a variable that says as example ?Destroyable? standard on false but the new ones you will have to set to true. so on the end when you go to your menu level you loop through all player controllers and use a remove player node when the the variable is true. So player 0 will never be deleted and all the others will. On the end you will be left with only 1 player controller in your menu and no splitscreen :slight_smile:

That’s a good idea. I myself used the C++ expose blueprint node approach because i wanted 4 gamepads to be able to configure their player names and colors on one big screen, and then switch to splitscreen once they enter another level.

Anyone have updates on this?

That 2016 video is out of date and I still can’t get it to work making a splitscreen toggle node in blueprint. The ufunction(blueprintcallable, category… doesn’t seem to be creating the category and the static void then isn’t make the toggle

Another way is to remove all but player 0. When a local player is removed its split screen is removed with it.

Then add them back in when the game starts.

Remove split screen only with bp is easy:

You can use the blueprint node “Set Force Disable Splitscreen” to toggle splitscreen.

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That’s cool :slight_smile: When did they add that node?