I want to add a setting which configures certain server addresses. Is it possible for users to override the .ini settings of a packaged game? I am specifically talking about DefaultGame.ini and DefaultEngine.ini. Thanks!
I want to add a setting which configures certain server addresses. Is it possible for users to override the .ini settings of a packaged game? I am specifically talking about DefaultGame.ini and DefaultEngine.ini. Thanks!
anyone? Its really important that i can safely use this method (except for cases where someone modifies the game source of course)
DefaultGame.ini and DefaultEngine.ini should not be overwritten in a packaged game.
Your best option is probably to make your own *.ini files and write some logic to handle it. The wiki has an article on this: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums
Edit: That logic could also verify if your addresses have been modified. Maybe through some sort of checksum
Do you know if they can be overridden? I would like to have insurance that this isn’t possible
Well, everything that’s in a plain text file can be overridden by the user. That’s why I was thinking about verifying values via a checksum or something similar. Otherwise you would have to use binary, possibly encrypted, config files.