Hi, I’m complete newbie trying to get basics of using blueprints. I’m attempting to create a projectile and following tutorial. only difference is, I’m working from third person game mode and tutorial is in first person.
I was able to follow all steps and create my projectile, however, when it came to making my character shoot projectile I can’t locate “spawn actor from blueprint” node so I could select my projectile and make character shoot it. Does it stem from fact that its different character script from two game modes?
Any advise of how I can approach this or why it is not working would be helpful. Thx.
I think it named “spawn actor of class” (blueprint is valid class same as C++ class), just use search function and type in “spawn” and you should find it
That’s what I thought initially as well, however, it does not work as I intended or as for guy in tutorial. Here’s my flow chart that I created in MyCharacter blueprint:
This is a top down game mode if that matters. Any advise on what I’m doing wrong would help. Again my intent is for character to shoot projectile. Thanks!
node you’re using, Spawn Actor From Class, is one you’re looking for. It will work fine in any game type. I duplicated your setup in a top-down project and it worked fine. You may not see it working because projectile isn’t being given any forward momentum, so it’s simply spawning where your character is and then sitting there.
To test that it is in fact spawning, try moving your character after firing and look where it was just standing. While playing, you can also select Blueprint from Debug Filter drop-down. Then, if you press your fire key, you should see your white wire between your Input node and your SpawnActor node light up and animate, indicating that it is triggering.
While game is playing, you can also check whether a projectile has been spawned by looking in Scene Outliner. Each projectile you spawned should be listed there as an instance (until its lifetime expires, which depends on your projectile settings). It’s possible you’re not seeing projectile simply because it’s falling through ground after spawning, in which case you can temporarily disable physics on your projectile to see it after firing.
If I create nodes in “MyController” blueprint I start to see projectile. However if I create it in “MyCharacter” blueprint I still get nothing.
Also as you’ve said I had no velocity set and it was partially reason why I did not see projectile. However. second problem responsible for it is that for some reason my projectile spawns from floor ground and not from character. Even if I move him, projectile always comes from a fixed point of floor. I assume that’s because I have to use “Get Actor Array Average Location” node instead of “get actor location” node as it does not appear in my blueprint if I try to find it in “MyController” BP (unless I go to MyCharacter blueprint). If I try to copy all my nodes to MyCharacter BP it does not fire as seen from both debug and outliner.
So these two things have me really confused now, why my nodes fire in one BP but not another (MyController vs MyCharacter) and why I can find a specific node in one BP but not another (i.e. Get Actor Location).
Sry if this is something basic, but I’m complete newbie here ty for help!
I’m not certain this is cause, but I just noticed in your picture that you have Scale set to 0,0,0 on your Make Transform node. It should be 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 instead.
If that doesn’t fix it, I might need to see what your Projectile blueprint and settings looks like. My copy of your MyCharacter blueprint doesn’t have that problem, so it’s probably an issue somewhere else.
Just seeing your edits now. I would recommend trying to set up what you had in your original picture in your MyCharacter Blueprint and make sure you have Scale set to 1, 1, 1 instead of 0, 0, 0. A 0 scale means it won’t be visible, and that may have been problem.
Setting this up in MyController Blueprint is going to be more difficult, as it will involve getting information from MyCharacter Blueprint. Your MyController blueprint does not have direct access to MyCharacter Actor, so you can’t use Get Actor Location inside it to get location of your character. Get Actor Array Average Location is definitely not what you’re looking for, and is probably reason your projectile is spawning away from your character.
hmm… alright then doing it in “mycontroler” is reason why it spawns from center. Once I copy blueprint to MyCharacter instead nodes do not activate. Meaning that If I set button to press lets say “spacebar,” once I am in game and press spacebar it no longer shows projectile being spawned in scene outliner like it did when I had it all set up in “MyControler.” And it no longer shows of being activated in event graph either. All works well for m conroler but once I do it for my character it stops responding all together. I am flustered
also made scale to 1,1,1 in make transform node. Sot that cant be issue
Hm, I’m noticing same thing in a top-down project with default MyCharacter. My apologies. I will continue to look into that.
If it was spawning in your MyController, though, we can use same setup in there with one change: drag off Target input for Get Actor Location node, and type “Get Controlled Pawn”. This will target pawn MyController is controlling, so we can get appropriate location.
ahh there we go, feels great:P But it would seem rotation doesn’t lock on character, projectile continues to point in one direction following actual controller. How do I link up rotation of MyController to rotation of MyChareacter.