How to access the exposed variables of a child actor blueprint?

So what I’ve done is created a sliding door class blueprint that has the ability to be locked. This door bp is being spawned in the construction script of another blueprint in order to create a room. Unfortunately I can no longer access the locked variable when it’s a child actor component. Is there a simple way to do this? I’ve been looking into spawning an actor from a class, but that can only be used in the event graph. I feel like I’m approaching this from the wrong direction due to my lack of experience with blueprints.

Also as a side note, I’ve noticed that child actor blueprint components seem to act really buggy. They duplicate themselves when playing in the editor, sometimes moving to the origin of the world space. They don’t seem act this way when being played from launch, but occasionally a blueprint that worked fine in PIE will cease to work here.

It seems to me that I’m using this component incorrectly, does anyone have some suggestions? Thanks in advance!

Also as a side note, I’ve noticed that child actor blueprint components seem to act really buggy. They duplicate themselves when playing in the editor, sometimes moving to the origin of the world space. They don’t seem act this way when being played from launch, but occasionally a blueprint that worked fine in PIE will cease to work here.

I can confirm this behaviour

Interested in the answer too.

I’m also curious about accessing the child Blueprint’s exposed variables. In my parent Blueprint I have added 2 ChildActorComponents. I’ve tried everything I can think of but am still unable to access the child Blueprint’s exposed variables.

I know this is an old thing but I was cracking my skull on trying to do this for a prototype I was working on.

Your child actor needs to be extracted this way:

Just to elaborate a wee bit more on my scenario.

I have a wall with a child actor that denotes which parts of it can be used as cover. The child actor is named CoverPoint_Actor with a property called IsCoverPoint. So how I went about this was as follows:

  1. Cast the actor from the ray trace to see if it is the appropriate actor. If it is proceed.
  2. Get the child actor that is of interest. In my case is Cover Point 1.
  3. Get the Child Actor (sounds redundant but it works).
  4. Cast it to the appropriate blueprint.
  5. Now you can access the property you want.

Note a few weird things that may throw you off.

  1. The option of casting the child actor from the contextual menu is not there for some odd reason. The work around would be, at least in my case, drag out a wire from the actor that was returned from the trace, select the casting option you want for your child actor. Snip it and then you will be able to use it to actually cast your child actor.

Hope this helps. Seriously this silly behavior really threw me off. Hope this helps somebody down the track.

Thank you! I was having the same problem! Oh my god, I wish Epic stop developing new “features” and start polish the engine, there are too many things half-developed.


You are beyond awesome for posting this!!