Is there a way to allow player control of the camera during a matinee sequence? I have a camera animated along a path but I want to allow the player to look around during the sequence.
HI DarkRideJenkins -
This will require a little bit of Level Blueprint scripting and a new Camera Actor Blueprint to accomplish. Your camera actor blueprint will receive Input (make sure to enable it in the Defaults section). IN my test case, I reated two new player input axis mappings called CameraUp and CameraRight and tied them to Mouse X and Mouse Y so that you could look around with the mouse as your camera is moving along the Matinee path.
Here is the Actor Blueprint:
Here is the Level Blueprint:
There is more expressions and functions you can add to this to increase functionality but this will do the basics and get you started.
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
I can’t thank you enough for this. It looks like this is a great start for me. I still have a lot to learn about blueprints and the logic behind scripting, and I think this is going to help me wrap my head around the whole concept.
dude thx for the information. i did as the pictures says but there r 3 things that i dont know wt to do with them.
1st the defaults section, wt should i do there and where do i open it
2nd the viewport variable where did u get it and why
3rd the targetpoint1 wt do with it
thx for the help again
Hey AlaaEltayeb -
1 - The Defaults Tab can be accessed from the Top Left of the Camera Actor’s BP. (Defaults >> Components >> Graphs). You want to make sure that in that Tab, under Inputs the option Auto Receive Input is set to Player 0 (default Player in the editor).
2 - The Viewport Variable is actually the camera component of the blueprint. I just so happened to call it viewport. It should automatically be there in the blueprint but may be called something like Camera_01.
3 - The Target Point is just a reference actor in the level that I am using to call a specific location in the level blueprint with. (Target Points themselves are available in the modes window under Basic, but it need not be one of these just an actor in the level itself.)
Hope that clears things up for you.
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
man i cant thank you enough it works great thx
I’m using 4.7 now, and I can’t seem to find the “Auto Receive Input” for the camera in the Class Defaults under blueprint =/
Hey dpham81 -
Look into the Base Blueprint’s Component (the Root) and look for the Auto Receive Input.
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
Hi Eric, thanks for the reply. I feel both bad, and blind, that I still can’t find this. The closest thing I can find is Auto Activate for Player. I can find it just fine in 4.6, but for 4.7 I’m still getting used to some of the changes. Here’s a screenshot of what I’m looking at.
Hey dpham81 -
I included a screenshot below, but I think the problem is that the camera actor that I am referencing is a standard Actor Blueprint with a Camera Component added to it. It looks like in your picture above that you have a Camera Blueprint not an actor blueprint. So First, try to create a new Blueprint as an Actor then add the Camera Component to it.
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
Oh jeez, my mistake. Thanks for clarifying that for me- I got it to work now, thanks so much!
hi, i have the same problem, i am using the 4.9 version,i have a simple cube that move.i attach a camera to him and when i hit play i can’t look around, and this isn’t help.Can someone help me?
Here is my Level Blueprint :
and here is camera BP :
Please i need HELP!!! if you need more info about BP or project it self just ask me.
hi, i have the same problem, i am using the 4.9 version,i have a simple cube that move.i attach a camera to him and when i hit play i can’t look around, and this isn’t help.Can someone help me?
Here is my Level Blueprint :
and here is camera BP :
Please i need HELP!!! if you need more info about BP or project it self just ask me.
Have you checked to insure that your Camera BP will receive Input from Player 0 (by default this BP type receives no Player input). Also make sure that you have added the correct Axis control Inputs in Project Settings for your Functions.
Eric Ketchum