How could I go about making a physics button?

Hey guys, I’m trying to set off an event after a cube is placed on top of a button. Would there be a way to check if the cube is on top of the button and perhaps check the weight of the cube to only only fire the event if the cube is heavy enough? Thanks a lot!

OnActorBeginOverlap → check type for cube → if cube, check value for weight or mass if you’re using the physics properties → if conditions meet your needs then perform the action. you could even check the distance between the objects centers to evaluate the placement.

If you need a specific blueprint setup, let me know and i’ll do it when I have time.

Yeah a blueprint would be great! I’ve never done anything like this before and it would really help! Thanks so much!

There you will find a 616MB project with the sample for physics buttons. This was a lot of fun.

Press the left mouse button near the cube and watch it press the buttons down.

The level is calld “SandBox” and is in the recent levels menu. Or you can load it from the Content root folder.

Awesome! I modified it to only allow the buttons to go so far and to make them spring back up when the box moves off of the buttons and it works flawlessly! Very simple to understand too! Thanks so much for the help!

What happened to the website?