I’m trying to make a custom animation blueprint node for some specialised blending. I’ve been using the Technical Guide, Rama’s tutorial, and the engine headers. They all result in the same compile error (using Rama’s tutorial as an example):
error : Superclass AnimGraphNode_Base of class AnimGraphNode_NameOfYourNode not found
If I write a class that does not derive from UAnimGraphNode_Base, but instead has a UAnimGraphNode_Base UPROPERTY, I get this error:
error : In SandboxGameMode: Unrecognized type ‘UAnimGraphNode_Base’
The funny thing is that I can reference UAnimGraphNode_Base properly, as well as all related classes, as long as I don’t use them with the U[…] system. I have tried this in a clean project, both with and without the deprecated ‘Classes’ folder compilation schemes that I’m guessing these examples were based on.
This problem was solved by Rama below. Unfortunately, it lead to another error, this time in the linking, that still prevents me from deriving UAnimGraphNode_Base.