So I just started playing around with matinee and have just a quick fly-through of a level. 30 second long is all. But I’m not seeing any way to simply export the movie for YouTube or whatever else. Please let me know the steps needed to get this done. Thanks!
Use the record button in matinee. Just take a look at the documentation or search for youtube videos
What I did was create a camera in Matinee, drag the camera around my little scene and added Keys to the timeline. Once I got it where I kinda wanted it (is there a way to pull around and edit the 3d camera track in the editor?)… anyway, once I got it where I was OK with it, I’d like to export that specific matinee project to say, an AVI file…
When I look at the examples like the effects cave, I open up matinee and see the director group and the cameras and all that jazz, and it makes sense… but how can I export that “movie” to an AVI?
Having the same issue…I want to render out the cameras that I keyed in Matinee and not record a real time walk through with the button in the top right corner. Is this possible?
Has this issue ever been resolved? I’m trying to record an AVI of my matinee sequence and simply does not work. When pressing the 'Movie" button all that happens is a window with my scene opens and no matinee is playing so it records only my mouse movement. When pressing the “Record” button all that happens is an empty “Recording Viewport” window opens that says “unrecognized tab”. Does this function just not work at all?
Anyone?! I’m having the same issue…
Anyone?! I’m having the same issue…
Having the same here. Any luck solving this?
same here too,no luck to make it work
The record button is not the right thing to press. Click the movie button to the right of it, go through the settings, and then click create.
You need to click the movie button to the right, not the record button.