I have a problem with launching packaged game. I have cooked it and packaged it without problems (only a few warnings) but when I run the .exe file it starts a process but nothing happens. I have reinstalled my DirectX version and Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 and 2015 with no effect on the problem. The game launches on my friend’s computer.
I attach the Output Log and a link to whole packaged game. Any help would be appreciated, I have seen topics with the same issue but there was no solution.
download link to the game: https://share.storycloud.com/#/view/aLOZFR
Thank you for providing the . Could you please try to delete your Intermediate and Saved folders from your project and then try to package again? Could you also please create a copy of your project and open it in 4.10.1 and see if it packages there without any errors as well?
Thank you!
Thank you for the reply . I deleted the Intermediate and Saved folders and packaged the game again, it didn’t make any difference. I also succesfully packaged the game copy in 4.10.1 version but still can’t open the .exe file in “WindowsNoEditor” folder. Although I found the file “UE4Game-Win64-Shipping.exe” in \WindowsNoEditor\Engine\Binaries\Win64 which can be opened after renaming it to my game name (City_Apartment in this case). It doesn’t run in fullscreen mode but it’s running succesfully. Still I don’t think it solves the problem, I’d really like to run the .exe file in main folder without problems.
Could you please upload your project again? It says that the link has expired. Please upload it to if you’re able to, the site you provided said there is malicious malware on it too.
I have packaged a project in 4.10.1 for development and shipping and have been able to open both.
- Could you please check and see if this is happening on all of your projects or just this one specifically?
- Which version of Windows are you on?
- Do you have any anti-virus or firewall set up?
- Have you checked to make sure that it’s not blocking the opening of the project?
- Does the project application show up within the Task Manager?
Thank you!
After disabling avast anti-virus protection I was able to launch my game. Seems it was causing the problem, thank you very much for help!