How can I swap between first person and third person views?

I’m looking into making a toggle at first, but then a potential zoom in/out for point of view from first person to third person. I have seen ways of using the third person, then moving the camera to either head distance or over the shoulder. The issue with that is there is camera overlap of the character, etc.

I want to see if it is possible to say “Press V to swap view” and actually swap the third person character mesh, with the first person character mesh and vice versa. I think once I have the toggle done, I can then look into using the same method for the zoom in, but instead of fine tuning the camera, simply toggle the actor mesh.


I experimented on my own and found out how to swap skeletal mesh with button press. Now to just work on the camera items, etc.

First, create a variable for ThirdPersonView and set it to true on game start (since game starts in third person right now) going to see about saving the variable, etc.

get instance of character mesh, set up two set skeletal mesh items, and then set the variable to falst/true after swap.

Then V (in my case) pressed, branch to check boolean of variable, true – swap TPP with FPP, false FPP with TPP.

See attached blueprint.