I’m running on a fresh win7 install, a fresh 4.9 release branch pulled off git today. I load up a blank project and try to add a c++ class of the type DestructibleActor and hot reload breaks… looking at the output log
the methods are already part of the base class (DestructibleActor)… i tried overriding them again and simply calling Super::PostEditChangeProperty inside the method but I received the exact same error log. This issue seems to be only with destructible actors, as other c++ classes can be created without error. This also was never an issue in previous versions of the engine.
Messing with the engine code (DestructibleActor.h) fixed the issue… very strange that this change was necessary though. If someone knows of a solution not involving changing engine code I’d like to hear it.
So all you are supposed to do is override both of these methods and NOT call the Super::PostEditChangeProperty / Super::PostLoad …
The Class ADestructibleActor wants you to override these functions and also write the implementation (and not call the Super class implementation) as there is a keyword ‘override’ written there in base class