Problem with playing Animation Montage


I am trying to play some animation montage.
I made my Animation Montage like in tutorial A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums :

And my blueprint is similar to BPs from A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums :

When I press “/” button, nothing happens, only lenght of the Anim Montage shown. Blueprint PlayAnimMontage looks like not working.

Repro video: UE4Editor 2015 09 13 16 56 52 50 - YouTube

You need to change the Animation Slot to a custom slot and also assign that slot in the Animation Graph (State Machine). At least, that’s what was necessary in the tutorial video I watched, though I don’t understand why.

To create a new slot, click on the magnifying glass icon in your Animation Montage. After you’ve added the slot, remember to set it in the DefaultGroup.DefaultSlot dropdown menu.


In your AnimGraph, add a Slot node and change the Slot Name in the Settings tab.

Thank you very much!